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Nov 2, 2022, 9 tweets


On June 14, two weeks after her vaccination, doctors declared 18-year-old Rithaika Sri Omtri brain dead. Her desperate parents first explored all medical options to save her.

She received her first dose of Covishield vaccine.…


Rithaika suffered vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia, a rare adverse event in which blood clots restrict the flow of blood into vital organs, and also result in a low platelet count.…

#CovidVaccine #COVID19

It was only after her family filed an RTI application that they confirmed the link between the vaccination and her death.…


Much before Rithaika's death, there was wider evidence of the link between the AstraZeneca vaccine and cases of thrombotic thrombocytopenia across the world. Beginning March 2021, several European countries, starting with Denmark, suspended its use over these concerns.

In India, however, there was limited awareness of the problem.…

More than 89,000 individuals suffered adverse reactions, of whom 1,148 died. The government’s inefficient response left families without information or support.

@tabassum_b reports

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#CommonGround | Data suggests that in India, the system of reporting cases and collating data on AEFI [adverse event following immunisation], which are crucial to devising strategies to deal with them, is faring poorly.


According to information on CoWIN, adverse reactions have so far been noted in 0.006% of all vaccine doses administered in India. Across the world, countries have reported far higher AEFI rates.

Dr Jacob Puliyel noted that this discrepancy was unusual.

.@tabassum_b investigates India’s failure to record and investigate adverse events. She finds that families have struggled for information and support as loved ones have suffered.

According to RTI response, 1,148 lost their lives as a result of AEFIs.…

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