Ashrafak Ghani 🚁🇦🇫💰بابا اشرفک (Parody) Profile picture
I am still the legitimate President of Afghanistan 🇦🇫 --Parody Account--

Nov 3, 2022, 7 tweets

#Afghan National Anthem throughout the years. This anthem was adopted in 1926. Imagine playing this during a cricket or football match. It's not going to motivate anyone....

This anthem was adopted between 1973 - 1978. It's the President's favourite. The emphasis is on unity and a single identity for all. All working towards a United and prosperous #Afghanistan.
The situation is obviously a bit muddy at the moment.

This anthem from 1978-1991. Communism is written all over it. 😂
❗ Imagine a socialist democratic #Afghanistan based on Islamic values. The conservative countryside and the urban cousins working together for a modern progressive Watan. The President's dream...

Fortress of Islam, Heart of Asia (1991–1996, 2001–2006).

This is a really good one. It speaks to your heart and the #Afghan core values. Islam, freedom and brotherhood. Imagine singing this in a football match.

This Anthem from 2006 till my legendary vertical take off. This is not going to motivate anyone in a football match. It was sort of put together to keep everyone happy. Emphasis should be on the Nation, its values and its character. Not too much on ethnicities.

This is the current unofficial anthem. It's full of Goosala stuff. Blood, Bushes and Rubies 😂. Imagine singing this in a football match and then getting hammered 6-0 by Brazil. It's not going to work....

National anthem is the national song of a Nation. It defines who we are as a people. Our values and our character as a people. I hope someday we have a solid anthem that represents a United #Afghanistan and we can proudly sing it together. Standing shoulder to shoulder. Ameen

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