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Nov 3, 2022, 12 tweets

The price of $MASK has risen from $1.21 to $5.77 in the past 7 days, an increase of 377%.

We did an analyze on $MASK, including:

- Volume & Market Cap
- Token Economics
- Top 50 holders
- SmartMoneys

Here is a thread.🧵


Volume & Market Cap

Here is the market cap and volume of $MASK over the past 30 days.

Since October 28, the volume of $MASK has exceeded its market cap, with a maximum of 6.8 times the market cap.

Which means that the price of $MASK will fluctuate greatly.


Token Distribution

- VC Round: 14.2M $MASK(14.2%)
- Equity Round: 14.25M $MASK(14.25%)
- Team: 23.6M $MASK(23.6%)
- Foundation Reserve: 39M $MASK(39%)
- Public offering: 7M $MASK(7%)
- Liquidity Pool: 1M $MASK(1%)
- Airdrop: 1M $MASK(1%)



Token Supply

Total Supply: 100M $MASK

Circulating supply Verified by CoinMarketCap: 29,130,722.72 $MASK(29%)


$MASK Holding Cost of Prior Investors

Mask Network raised funds from investors over the years at 5 different price levels, whose details are showcased below.


In the past 7 days, an address of the $MASK team has transferred a total of 2.5M $MASK($13M) out.

Among them, 100,000 $MASK ($520,000) was transferred to #OKEx, and 1M $MASK ($5.2M) was transferred to #Binance.



The top 50 holders of $MASK.

The top 50 holders of $MASK hold a total of 93.75M $MASK ($462M), accounting for 93.75% of the total supply.

In the past 7 days, they accumulated a total of 4.4M $MASK ($22.88M).


Binance holds a total of 17.97M $MASK ($88.61M), accounting for 17.97% of the total supply and 61.7% of the circulating supply.

In the past 7 days, a total of 5.37M $MASK ($27.9M) flowed into #Binance.


Share 2 SmartMoneys of $MASK with you.

These two addresses may belong to early investors.

Every time after they received $MASK, they would choose to sell at a high price.


SmartMoney Address: 0x2bd069ed8c4ba97200abf3f31d8c5fe852fbde6d

He sold 250,000 $MASK at $15.71 on Nov11, 2021.

And sold 200,000 $MASK at $2.35 on Oct 29, 2022.

He holds 400,000 $MASK($2.08M) now, maybe waiting for the price to hit a peak before selling.


SmartMoney Address: 0x036b96eea235880a9e82fb128e5f6c107dfe8f57

Most of the time, he sold at high prices.

And he holds 228,696 $MASK($1.2M) now.

Follow him to see when he sells again.


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If you want to long/short $MASK, please follow me and join our telegram group.

We will alert you immediately when $MASK is bought or sold by whales and smartmoneys.

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