CryptoShadow 👑 Profile picture
Physiological Mastery & Trading Excellence Founder @Tier7Network / Partner @Discordpaymentb

Nov 4, 2022, 24 tweets

A post on the next 100X #ALT I've found in this bear market

"Why $WASDER is my largest bag going into the next cycle"


First things first

This is NOT a paid post by $WASDER

The only sponsorship is myself

So once you finish this thread & are thankful you read it

All I ask? Follow my two projects.

- @Tier7network
- @MetavMonkeys

Merry Christmas 🎁

First let's look at the team

Investing in individuals? Far superior than investing in products. So it's perhaps the most important piece.

I rarely ever see teams like this and when I do....

I make sure to commit capital.

Look at this attached image

Spent hours on LinkedIn and can confirm most of it:

1. Founder of company that developed $ALICE? Onboard
2. Lead producer behind Candy Crush: Onboard
3. CTO founder multi b $ company leo vegas? Onboard
4. Social media strategy manager for spotify, rebok & adidas?

5. COO that connected Rebok UFC and Crossfit? Onboard
6. Man behind the think different apple campaign? 1980-1990? Onboard
7. 6. Sami Rusani Forbes Top 10? Onboard
7. Brian D Evans Forbes Top 10? Onboard

And that is only seven of the 21 man team they have

I have also heard the $WASDER CEO (in the image) mention two things:

1. One of the lead members of this project is on the board of the Switzerland equivalent of the SEC

2. Their executive team was offered 5M just to buy them - they declined

Before we continue here are the projects metrics & chart

Marketcap: 11M ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Chart: No cycle ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Token Holders: 3093 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
OG Sentiment: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Status: In macro consolidation ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
At IDO Price As We Speak: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

All boxes ticked at 5 stars.

Next Their Actual Project

1. It's something I would actually use (which is a tough sell)
2. Is situated right in the middle of the web3 expansion
3. Incorporates NFTS
4. Can be considered #Metaverse
5. Big value proposition to gaming companies
6. Solves a BIG problem

So what is it? Here's a easy quick summary:

Imagine you crossed the three following platforms:

1. Tinder
2. Discord
3. Twitter

And made it into a platform targeted right at gamers

A 3.2B member market with NO dedicated social platform.

There you go.

Imagine a complete solution for seas of web3 gamers

1. A place to swipe right to find other gamers
2. A profile to display your gaming talents and views
3. A place to engineer crews for tournaments
4. A place where rewards are inbuilt into platform

5. A place where getting involved earns you social profile XP and status
6. A place where you can buy and interact with gaming NFTS
7. A place that's a central hub for all your games and gaming activities
8. A place where events are a finger swipe away from organisation

9. A place where benefits and sponsorships are available
10. That has live integration with E-Sports stats
11. Where gaming challenges are displayed for clout
12. And where guilds can be built EASILY and efficiently

It is essentially to build a central 'hub' where users begin their gaming journey

To remedy a big broken juttery process shown in this pic

1. Where getting into a game
2. And getting social with it
3. Then finding a crew? It's long.

This also goes FAR beyond the gamer


It solves massive issues for gaming studios and publishers

If you are trying to get an edge as a gaming project

- You need a community
- You need exposure
- You need people to try your game

And #WASDER offers publishers DIRECT ways to do this

Every few weeks #WASDER displays a new game

Only accessible through a WASDER pass

- Said game will have x tasks to complete
- When they're completed?
- XP, early rewards and beta keys are given
- As-well as clout

The implications for this are completely obvious

- Imagine getting an early web3 NFT
- Simple for getting involved in a new game
- That is part of the WASDER pass
- And then later? That NFT blows up heavily
- And all you did was you like to do
- And you got XP too

Like we say in @MetavMonkeys

Win win propositions are the most powerful value proposition

And here?

Everyone wins

1. The gamer
2. The publisher
3. The gaming society

Everyone saves money, saves time & hassle

Now Onto Partnerships:

1. $GALA
3. $SOL
4. $LINK
5. Over 100 games that have enquired about getting featured
6. A few more in the image

The CEO has also publicly said that multiple huge double A and triple A partnerships are waiting release

And what about users?

- They have 300,00 active users already
- And millions already signed up

This may be out of date & far beyond this metric right now

So what does the $WAS token do? It's simple.

- You will earn it for arranging tournaments
- For content creating
- For leaderboard rankings
- For defeating ranked communities

It's used for:

- VIP Events
- Buy sell NFTS, badges, clout items, etc
- Battle high rank individuals


The token will be tied to the success of the platform.

And given the team + value proposition?

For now I am sold

Lastly - tokenomics

Very well balanced.

- But since it's sitting at IDO price
- With such a fundamentally strong proposition

It's something I don't even need to watch - but here they are for you

If $WASDER are succesful, they will be one of the biggest projects to move this next cycle, because they capture all angles

Without conflict of interest

1. NFT
2. Gaming
3. WEB3
4. Social

And if you're wondering about the name?

W A S D E R = (Up left right down)

That's a wrap!

If you enjoyed this thread:

1. Follow me @CryptoShadowOff for more of these
2. Come over to @MetavMonkeys to see what we're building
3. RT the tweet below to share this thread with your audience

God bless

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