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Gm dzisiaj troszkę będzie o #krypto inwestycjach

tldr. 99% krypto to g. zapakowane w ładny papierek, tak byś kupił licząc na 100x i chodził zachwalał na lewo i prawo, po czym miał stratę -90%.

#krypto #alt #crypto

Niestety większość osób tego nie łapie 99% coinów jest totalnie bezużytecznych i niepotrzebnych, nie zrewolucjonizują świata, po prostu tworzy się je do spekulacji i zrzucania toreb na inne osoby poprzez tworzenie mody i narracji.

Skoro pomysł na rozwiązanie jest taki dobry, niczym perpetuum mobile to czemu twórca od razu chce to sprzedać poprzez ICO i pozbywa się tak wyśmienitego rozwiązania?

To proste twórca chce pieniędzy. Dostaje je z góry za ładne obietnice i dobry marketing, a niegotowy produ.

Read 12 tweets
Veri=Data=Hambilgi demektir

İnsan=Akil=Bilgi sahibi=Halife=yonetici demektir

Veri sahibidir
Bilgi sahibi degil

Bilgi sahibidir

Verinin/datanin işlenmiş haline
#Bilgi denir

Beyin sistemine-bilgisayara
Giren veriler-hambilgiler
İkili sistemle
Bilgiye dönüşür
#DiGiTall sistem
Veri-Data üstüne kuruludur

Sosyal Medya hesaplari
Benzeri platformlar
İnsanogluna ait
Tüm verilerin
Yapay Zeka-AI tarafindan
Ve işlenmesi icin
Birer aractir

Tüm bilgisayar sistemleri
Veri Tabanindan faydalanir

Melekler de oyledir..
(Üçüncü tür canlilar)
Kendi veri tabanlarina bakarak;
Yaratilacak olan
İlk insana dair veriyi gorurler

Bu veriye
(İşlenmemiş bilgiye) bakarak;
"Yeryuzunde fesat cikaracak bir canli mi yaratacaksin?" Derler

Meleklerin elinde
Bilgi yoktu
Veri-data vardi sadece..
Read 11 tweets
A post on the next 100X #ALT I've found in this bear market

"Why $WASDER is my largest bag going into the next cycle"

First things first

This is NOT a paid post by $WASDER

The only sponsorship is myself

So once you finish this thread & are thankful you read it

All I ask? Follow my two projects.

- @Tier7network
- @MetavMonkeys

Merry Christmas 🎁
First let's look at the team

Investing in individuals? Far superior than investing in products. So it's perhaps the most important piece.

I rarely ever see teams like this and when I do....

I make sure to commit capital.

Look at this attached image
Read 24 tweets
Parę dni temu tak sobie leżałem w łóżku i myślałem, w sumie jak kupie tego $btc i $eth na dnie to tak za wiele nie zarobię, tak pewnie z 3x-4x do 2025 o ile dobrze kupię i sprzedam. 🤔

1/22 Image
W sumie z top15, aż wymieniło się w poprzednim cyklu aż 7 coinów. Przydałoby się kupić jakieś #alty ale za bardzo mi się nie chce szukać, czytać, wchodzić na discorda, telegram. 🤔

Koledzy z discorda mówią że #krypto to moda jak płaszcz na 6 miesięcy, żadna przyszłość finansów, nie wolno porównywać do tradycyjnych finansów, to po co ten research robić, jak to i tak pójdzie do śmietnika. 🗑️ I wtedy eureka!

Read 22 tweets
Pre_S CTRL #ALT Enter, 🔋 Power full …

Under Control
The future comes back to the past, proving the past that already happened in their future ..

How fast does light Travel?

#HOT FUZZball ?

A “Theory”, Q Uantum Talk.
Read 9 tweets
I've been studying @blknoiz06 for the last week.

Here are the top things I've learned from him. 🚀

A thread 🧵 👇 "imagine letting n***** outwork you"
1. His background

He's a trader, researcher, analyst and shares his profound views on Substack and #Twitter @blknoiz06

Held #Altcoins when they crashed during the last cycle and wasn't all in crypto afterwards, until he realized how much money he was leaving on the table. 💰
He missed the #DeFi summer, because he wasn't paying attention in Bear🐻. As he saw the 2017 cycle, he wanted to fully take advantage of the next bull run🐂.

He nailed all the trades in 2021: @AxieInfinity, @solana, @avalancheavax, @harmonyprotocol, @terra_money
Read 37 tweets
1/ Why is #blockchain scaling so controversial? From the #blocksizewars to #Alt L1s and #rollups.

Is it really that hard?!

🧵 time...
2/ Blockchains like #Bitcoin and #Ethereum strive for maximum #decentralization and #censorship-resistance while remaining totally open and inclusive networks. However, they also want to scale to accommodate billions of users.
3/ As they stand right now, their limited capacity to process transactions at the base layer (~7 and ~20 TPS, respectively) are in direct opposition to achieving that goal.

The question is “What is the best method of scaling a blockchain?” 🧐
@TrustlessState @sassal0x
Read 21 tweets
The PLAN C 📚

This is the most important thread I have written so far

It will set you on the right path going forward and help you realize what YOU want 🧐

▪️ What is PLAN C?
▪️ Why is it so important?
▪️ Realization
▪️ Risks vs Benefits
▪️ Mistakes
▪️ Having a PLAN C

▪️ What is PLAN C?

The Plan C is to realize why you are here, what is your goal & to HELP YOU follow it at all times going forward.

Once you do it will remove the stress from your trading/investing in a big way.

Must for beginners, great for PROs.

▪️ Why is it so important?

Cause most of you are just running around trying to chase quick riches, jumping from fear to greed without any plan and that's why you struggle so much

This thread will guide you to set a plan and stick to it. Now let's get to it.

Read 29 tweets
Read 4 tweets
1/19 $BTC Thread About Economic Context📈

Why do we often see a weekend pump followed by a monday dump?

So i sometimes post about BTC Dominance, Total Marketcap, DXY and the SPX.

We are trading crypto so what does these have to do with us? well actually alot, i will explain.
2/19 So i figured instead of posting a bunch of seperate posts which might get lost in your timeline (and on their own they offer less knowledge) i thought lets string them together and make the importance of these factors known and share how i use it to trade.
3/19 The SPX / S&P 500, its an index with the bigboys, like Facebook, Amazon, Tesla, JP Morgan. They call crypto a bubble, but this thing has been going straight up for 1,5 year. I use this as a general indicator of market sentiment. lets dive in. Image
Read 19 tweets
@RNIB Hi! May I ask you a favour?
I see, that you are using ALT-Text in your tweets to help the visually impaired.
Maybe you could the visually not impaired as well, with using the "!B" signature in your tweets to indicate that they contain ALT-Text? (1/x)
@RNIB As long as @twitter doesn't show the ALT-Symbol on pictures to every user, I have to use complicate work arounds to check, whether a tweet contains ALT-Text.
German users started to use the !B (short for #Bildbeschreibung which means ALT-text) at the end of an tweet. (2/x)
@RNIB @Twitter But you could also see it as an emoticon for glasses (just tilt your head).
Maybe we could introduce this as an international work around to raise awareness for the use of the ALT-Text-feature, at least as long as @twitter doesn't use it in every tweet with #Alt-Text...
Read 3 tweets
CryptoStreet Pump Cheat Sheet

First of all, as I do these teachings by myself from my own knowledge and do not copy-pasta, they take quite a bit of my free time to create

If you can share this knowledge with your friends and help them as well it would be highly appreciated 🙌
A "PUMP" is a very well known Price movement in the crypto markets.

Yet, most fail to play it in the right way and end-up as bag holders and community members.

This one is the most recent on $VET
A pump usually consists of 2-3 very quick impulse moves & 1-2 re-accumulation clusters followed by a quite significant, long-lived distribution

It's exactly this place where most people are dragged-in as they chase what has already happened.

$ADA DEC 2017 pump
Read 11 tweets
Analysis: #NASDAQ $ALT

Case 456 #Altimmune Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

#ALT 1/4
Chart 1
Weekly Chart: Conditions are very negative with falling #momentum and now expecting a break below the #Fib. 0.618 at 14.95. Farther down the #SMA 20 at 14.33 then May 2020 #trendline and synthetic crossing over at 12.68 with synthetic .....

ALT 2/4
..... slope at 12.22. Major #support is seen between 9.48- 6.05. To the upside #resistance at 22.65- 25.63 but only a close/hold above 33.92 will see this gain traction.

ALT 3/4
Read 5 tweets
#100daysofCPD is where @UoB_HEFi will be beaming a spotlight onto #teaching and supporting #learning in #HigherEducation #CPD opportunities especially for #Beacon #HEAfellowship applicants & @uob_pgche participants during #COVID19 times & beyond Image
#100daysofCPD: #Day1 is the @UoB_HEFi #Learning and #Teaching Gateway. Full of self-paced online courses on a range of #technology and teaching topics. #BestPractice #CPD Go to… Image
#100daysofCPD #Day2: @matt_tel_brum shares this Resource - How to Keep Uninvited Guests Out of Your Zoom Event containing all you need to know about Zoom’s #settings when using for #teaching, #meetings or #socializing during #COVID19 & beyond…
Read 106 tweets

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