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Nov 5, 2022, 12 tweets

Something significant is happening in China
Yet not a word of it on western media

The Ministry of Civil Affairs and Ministry of Housing have jointly issued a notice called:

"Integrated Community Development Plan"

What is it, and why is it important for China and the world...🧵

The plan calls for the government to build integrated communities at selected locations around the country

An integrated Community includes:
Community kitchens for elderly
Community Kindergarten
Community health clinics
Service centers etc

The required area for a community service center, cannot be lower than 30 square meters per 100 residents

The Community kitchens are already operational in some communities

For example, this one in Shanghai

Elderly and low-income residents can come here and eat homecooked meal at a very low price

This is the menu outside of Caihongwan park community kitchen, in the middle of Shanghai

If you dine-in, nothing costs more than 20 yuan (2.78 US dollars)

And the portions are pretty big

This tray at a different community kitchen costs 22 yuan (3.06 US dollars)

Other than government funded facilities, the plan also seeks to attract private business into the community, including:

hairdressers, convenient stores, laundromat and pharmacy etc

Utilities and community infrastructure improvements is also part of the plan

They include, improvements in drainage,
central heating and gas piping etc

Some communities are even getting elevators added to their old buildings, so elderly living on higher floors can get in and out easily

Apart from physical infrastructures

Online infrastructure that connects communities onto a centralized network is also part of the plan

Using big data and cloud computing, to better manage communities, and facilitate a more efficient online-to-offline service/ delivery system

Everything must be in walking distance, core services must not be more than 10 minutes of walk time

The communities are also organically divided, with major arterial road being the boundaries

Which means this plan does not seek to displace existing population

Rather it's a new way of managing existing communities and providing them with more services

This aligns well with President Xi's policy of building China into a modern, developed socialist state in all respects

The community based Kindergarten also helps to address the urgent need of raising the birthrate

To understand China, Western media just needs to read the government policies and government actions

But somehow, to them, China is still an enigma, they are of course deliberately constructing a false narrative on China

A falsehood even they themselves, have started to believe

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