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Nov 6, 2022, 8 tweets

Who is #NazaninBoniadi?
The new mouthpiece CIA has picked to be the Iranian "opposition" voice

She started as the sexual object of cheap music videos and went on to be groomed for #TomCruise in the scientology church!
Her last gig is #RingsofPower


Nazanin who's mother was a member of Scientology church met a high-ranking Scientology official, who offered her a mission that would take her to meet dignitaries worldwide. It took months to vet her into the perfect woman for Cruise & her entire purpose was to make him happy

Cruise eventually got unhappy with her and ended the relationship without telling her directly, but through church officials
Then she was subjected to doing four months of menial labor, including tasks such as digging ditches and cleaning public toilets with a toothbrush,”

After that she left the "church" which is a man made science camp turned into a "religion" by the way..

In her new gig #RingsofPower she leads her people from Southlands of #MiddleEarth to a doomed war while in love with a soldier from the better race!

Now Nazanin is groomed for yet another role. To make CIA happy

While Masih Alinejad is on the declined in the eyes of the public and her fundings are questionable for everyone it's time to change the mouthpiece

It started by attending UN Security Council Arria-formula meeting


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