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Movie/TV Series thoughts mostly in the form of very long threads. DC Comics fan. #RebelMoon Era.

Nov 7, 2022, 25 tweets

It’s a new Monday, so time for a new entry into the #BatmanvSuperman references the DC lore series. Today, it’s time for Part 2 of the last scene of the movie Amazing Grace in the 🧵 below! #RestoreTheSnyderVerse #BvSMondayMood

Part 1 was all about different DC references out there. And today it’s all going to be about the references (and differences) from the Funeral for a Friend storyline. So much to dissect so this one (my last one) is going to be a long one 😅, so let's get to it!

First off, there are several homages in the Metropolis funeral in #BvS to Funeral for a Friend.

Even the monuments that are put in the city to honor Superman are very similar.

These are probably the biggest and on purpose homages. There are also smaller ones like Batman’s speech in the comics and Bruce speech to Diana in #BvS.

We also have a burial in Metropolis and one in the Kent farm, though the one in the comics is only Jonathan and Martha.

Close to how Batman is trying to instill fear to Lex in prison post Superman death, he’s doing something similar to criminals in Metropolis after Superman’s death.

Interestingly in the comics we get Flash talking about how Superman’s death affected the whole universe. And in #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague we find out something similar with his last scream and the awakening of the motherboxes, teased out by Lex in #BvS.

And that about homages and references throughout this scene. There are also marked differences. For instance, in the comic, lots of costumed heroes are mourning. While in #BvS is mostly the citizens of the world that we see mourning Superman.

I think this difference highlights the story Zack Snyder was telling in his saga (and in #BatmanvSuperman specifically) and how it was different from the one that catapulted Superman’s death in the comics.

And for me it all comes down to the WHY of Superman’s death. In The Death of Superman (TDoS), a big reason of this decision was to use it as a shock for the audience (comic readers).

To put into context, in the comics Superman popularity was falling in the early 90s and DC was looking for new (big) storylines to increase Superman’s popularity (marrying Lois, TDoS with Funeral for a Friend being an important part of it).

To have more of a shock (and impact) on readers, the death of Superman was supposed to be long lasting. Even many comic writers signed NDAs that prevented them from saying Superman’s death was temporary

It was also very natural to explore how DC superheroes (that were also connected to readers from 60+ years of history) were affected by Superman’s death and the repercussions on them (which is the basis for the Funeral for a Friend storyline).

In the Snyderverse, the place we start with is very different (and it’s going to lead to a different WHY for the death of Superman). While there are heroes in this world, Superman seems to be the first one that is very out there, due to Zod’s arrival and the battle of Metropolis.

This leads very organically to conflicts in #BvS (some of them orchestrated by Lex Luthor), but also some of them due to the nature of a very realistic setup. Superman, due to the controversy surrounding the battle against Zod, is questioned, feared, even hated.

He’s questioned by a lot of people, and this goes in crescendo in #BatmanvSuperman until we get images of people really protesting Superman in quite a harsh way. Bruce Wayne follows a very similar path in his feelings towards him.

And his death (the WHY for me at least) serves different purposes but all of them related to character’s arc. First, his own. It culminates his search for HIS world. After being lost, he finds a way to do the right thing. And that culminates with his own sacrifice to save Earth.

Superman’s death is also a symbol of change for other characters in the movie. It changes the minds of people that see him sacrificing for humankind. And he’s finally embraced by Earth.

It is also an inflection point for Bruce too (with the Martha moment). He realizes he failed Superman in life. He was not up to his standards of helping the world as much. And he’s going to go on a new mission, to form the Justice League to defend Earth to honor his memory.

So, Superman death is different to TDoS, but a big similarity is that it is a major event for characters in this universe. But in a different way. Completely changing humankind (and Bruce’s) view of Superman into an inspiring superhero. Also inspiring other heroes to come forward

As is very common for Zack Snyder in his DC Snyderverse movies, he’s not adapting storylines. He’s paying respect with (endless) visual homages, while creating a unique story.

This is something I mentioned in my first ever thread in this weekly series. And I think just as #BatmanvSuperman is very circular (begins and ends with a funeral), this is an amazing way to close out my last thread.

So that’s it for my last thread in this series. If you have been following them, liked, RT, comment, or showed support to them, I will forever be grateful. I really hope people enjoyed, learnt (as much as I did) and also can use this threads for the future!

And always remember if you like this thread or any previous ones, consider donating to the @afspnational Autumn Snyder Fund. Every small amount counts to raise awareness for this cause!…

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