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Nov 7, 2022, 7 tweets

In Indore video of a girl crying for help in an Audi gt viral after a concerned SIMP made a video and uploaded it. When Police traced the girl she claimed tat she was with her brother. Later while leaving the Police Station she slapped a journalist and fled away

The horror of #PinkGangs in Indore is on rise. On the night of 4th Nov a girl Priya Verma gt assaulted publicly by a gang of girls outside a pub at LIG Crossing. Police later arrested 3 woman Megha Malviya, Teena Soni and Poonam Ahirwar
#SupremeCourtOfIndia #InternationalMensDay

In June this year another #PinkGang assaulted Nandini Yadav, a #Dominos Pizza Delivery Girl in Dwarkapuri area of Indore. Police later lodged a case against the Gang Leader Pinki and three others. Because of the allegation of false molestation cases no onlookers dare to intervene

In Aug Police arrested 2 associates of another Lady Don who use to upload reels on Instagram with weapons to terrorize and threaten people while her associates use to snatch mobile and purses of people on street.The underworld of most of the cities in MP is being run by Lady Dons

Meet #Ladydon Sonia of Indore who kidnapped the minor sister of another Lady don last year because of a gang war. In Indore at present threre are three main Lady Dons active Sonia Gang, Kajal Gang and Zoya Gang. No wonder girls of Indore are taking inspirations frm these dons.

And when we are talking about Lady dons of Indore then how we can forget the one and only Sapna don. She committed almost all crimes frm forgery, cheating, kidnapping, blackmailing, extortion to murder. Her lavish lifestyle and love for SUVs and Bullet were quite known.

She reportedly offered 10Lacs to one Shalini to sell her husband Binod to her like #sridevi style in movie Judaai. And one fine day she reached to Police with swollen face to claim that same Lover assaulted her. Later she gt arrested fr a murder attempt on him

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