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Working to end abortion by electing leaders & passing #ProLife laws, with a special calling to promote pro-life women | Follow @MarjorieSBA @LozierInstitute🤰👶

Nov 7, 2022, 7 tweets

🧵 GEORGIA - 2022 Midterms Update:

Our Georgia team has visited more than 750,000 homes to urge voters to vote for @HerschelWalker and @BrianKempGA. #IVoteProLife22 #GApol

Here's what they're hearing from voters:

She didn't know that Democrats are for allowing abortions up to 9 months and because of that is rethinking her voting choices.

“Fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Stephanie and her family are pro-life and she is working to instill an appreciation for the gift and value of each life in her daughters.

“My mom was 18 and single when pregnant with me. If abortion were legal then, her dad would have made her get one. I’m really thankful it wasn’t legal!”

“If I can do it, others in my shoes can too, we don’t need abortion.”

Her family rejected her when she was young, single, and pregnant, but she chose life for her son, who is now nine, and went to get a degree in biochemistry.

“I draw the line at abortion.”

One voter told our team she is a Democrat, but she is finding it harder to support Democrats because she is pro-life and does not want to vote against her convictions. She is thinking of switching parties

One pro-life woman didn't realize Warnock is pro-abortion. She voted for him in the last election, but plans to vote for Hershel Walker instead this time because he is pro-life.

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