European Network on Statelessness Profile picture
Committed to ending #statelessness & ensuring that people living in Europe without a nationality are protected.

Nov 8, 2022, 8 tweets

We’re hugely grateful to all of our wonderful speakers from last week’s #StatelessJourneys campaign launch. Thank you for supporting this work and for demonstrating your commitment to fix protection gaps for #stateless refugees in Europe.

Hear from each of them below. 🧵

The first panel brough together high-level representatives and officials from European institutions to discuss why Europe must act now to better protect stateless refugees.

.@GillianTriggs Assistant High Commissioner @Refugees highlighted the need to maintain strong focus on #statelessness and build new partnerships in the next phase of the fight to eradicate #statelessness. Thanks Gillian for the ongoing strong collaboration.

.@CBukalo founder of @statefree_world described key protection gaps for stateless refugees in Germany, explaining where govts need to pay attention & take action. She also shared some of the progress made by Statefree. Thank you Christiana!

.@AAlonsoMarcos Ambassador to the EU @UeEspana explained why Spain has played a progressive leadership role on statelessness and shared what Spain’s priorities are likely to be during its EU presidency. Thank you Marcos for your insights.

.@JFLopezAguilar Chair of @EP_Justice highlighted past action by @Europarl_EN on statelessness but emphasised the need for the EU to do more to fix this "blind spot" & to mainstream the issue through the Asylum & Migration Pact, child rights, anti-discrimination & other policy.

Thanks to @estherpozovera of @EUHomeAffairs for sharing what the European Commission is doing to promote the protection and integration of #stateless refugees, including in their response to war in Ukraine and through the Asylum & Migration Pact.

You can watch the full clip of the panel here

For more about the issue & why Europe needs to protect stateless refugees go to

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