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Namibian Cheetah

Nov 10, 2022, 11 tweets

🧵10minsclub - Thread
Top 10 open source software which make everyday tasks simple and easy on Windows, Mac, and Linux, without the need for license fees.

1.LibreOffice - A real open source alternative to Microsoft Office

2.VLC Media Player - An open source media player than can play virtually anything

3.GIMP - A powerful open source photo and image editing tool

4.Shotcut - A slick open soure program for advanced video editing

5.Brave - For a private open source browsing experience

6.Audacity - A powerful audio editor, ideal for music and podcasts

7.KeePass - A handy password generator and credential storage tool

8.Thunderbird - An excellent option for open source email management

9. Notepad++ - Advanced Notepad that replaces the Windows notepad software.

10. Inkscape - A powerful, free vector design tool

Try and Use for Free
#OpenSource #10minsclub

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