European Network on Statelessness Profile picture
Committed to ending #statelessness & ensuring that people living in Europe without a nationality are protected.

Nov 10, 2022, 16 tweets

We’re marking our 10th anniversary this year! 🥳
It’s hard to capture the last ten years in a Twitter thread, but here goes nothing... Our journey in 15 tweets. 👇🧵

It’s 10 years since a group of 6 orgs came together to establish ENS.
A decade later we now have 170+ members in 41 countries.
We also have hundreds of partners & thousands of supporters who are all part of our journey seeking to end #statelessness

In 2013 we published our first publication – a guide on statelessness determination procedures providing practical support to states wanting to do more to address the issue. Fast-forward to 2022, our website now includes over 150 publications & 450+ blogs

In Nov 2012 we held our kick-off event in Budapest, bringing together 30 members from 28 countries. Since then, we have run over 120 regional & national & online events to provide training, raise awareness & engage with stakeholders on tackling #statelessness in Europe.

In 2015 we launched our detention toolkit accompanied by an exhibition “Nowhere people” by @grconstantine. Focusing on unlawful detention of stateless people over the next 3 years, we did #LockedinLimbo research in 6 countries…

In July 2016, 35 youth ambassadors from across Europe joined us in Brussels for training & planning on how to eradicate childhood statelessness. Later in November they handed over the #StatelessKids petition with over 22,000 signatures to the @coe and @Europarl_EN

We launched our #StatelessnessINDEX in 2018. The Index provides extensive country by country analysis of law, policy and practice also benchmarking this against international norms and good practice. The Index now covers 30 countries and over 40,000 users.

Set up in 2016 w/ @ERRCtweets & @institute_si - #RomaBelong project was designed to tackle Roma statelessness in W Balkans & Ukraine. Many Roma are still left struggling to obtain identification docs, access healthcare/education or birth registration…

Launched in 2019 our 5-year strategic plan set out the next stage of our development. We’ve been working to deliver the 5 main objectives w/ generous support from @oakfnd @SRausingTrust @TheEPIM @rosaluxgeneva @comicrelief @phf_uk @OSFJustice & others

A big thanks to all of current and previous board & advisory committee members who have provided expert advice, strategic leadership and guidance to help us build an effective organisation.
Here's the current advisory from our last meeting in Brussels…

As one of our main priorities we're building long-term relationships with stateless communities. Nobody understands the impact of living without a nationality better than stateless people. They also know what solutions are required to address it!…

While we aim to work constructively with governments, we also recognise that part of the fight to end statelessness has to happen through the courts. Our new Case Law Database is there to help lawyers litigate for the rights of stateless people.

This year we’ve launched our new #StatelessJourneys campaign. Alongside a growing coalition of over 75 organisations we're calling on European governments and EU to provide the full rights and support owed to stateless refugees.

As part of our Ukraine response we worked with our members @R2Protection & @desyate_kvitnya to uncover issues faced by stateless people fleeing the war. We’ve done 15 country briefings with information for stateless people & refugee response actors.…

In response to #COVID19 pandemic we worked with @LJMU researchers & members to understand how governments’ responses are affecting stateless people. We’ve also worked with communities to call on states to guarantee the right to health for all…

Finally, a big thank you to all our members, partners and supporters for a wonderful, inspiring and productive ten years. We couldn’t have done it without all of you!😀

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