Simon Ash Profile picture
Passionate about #OBAnes and #patientsafety (#OBcritcare special interest). Father of 2 future Jedi. Views my own. he/his #heforshe 🇿🇦🇮🇪🇨🇦

Nov 10, 2022, 14 tweets

@Airwayman1 presents on #HumanFactors in #OBAnes. MedTRiM: medical trauma & resilience management - reminding us of the Declaration of Geneva #OAA3dc2022

The Boabab lesson (Zambia) applicable to #OBAnes #OAA3dc2022

The plan for the talk. Your patient - straight after new bag sats drop…
NOT Swiss cheese (@girardDev), Emmental(?) model #OAA3dc2022

What are human factors? Resilience engineering Aims to stack the @Toyota (everything keeps going right) side of the scales: make it easy to do it right, difficult to do wrong. (Nothing is foolproof, for the talented fool) #OAA3dc2022

Our aspiration is #patientsafety, influenced by several pieces. Skill becomes habit becomes behaviour. Ideally avoid error completely, trap it before it does harm, if it does harm mitigate it. 3 key issues to human factors. #OAA3dc2022

Simplest model of the mind - the working memory = bottleneck between long term memory & skill. How many tasks can working memory handle? Miller & Cowan optimistic when stress involved.#OAA3dc2022

Nadirs of human performance (sleep urge is key, presenting after lunch is bad). A Topgun quote - under pressure we sink, we don’t rise. @NASA$&&&$$$$ have a check list. #OAA3dc2022

What do you do to make a positive contribution to relationships & team climate? Rude surgeons, sure. Rude anesthesiologists probably just as detrimental to team performance. #OAA3dc2022

Talking about @Airwayman1’s pyramid - was awareness due to thiopentone or drug error? #lookalike vials don’t avoid error. Storing them side by side doesn’t trap it. Not the only example (@ruthi_landau), levobupivacaine makes a lousy diluent. pharmacists not immune. #OAA3dc2022

@GongGasGirl would agree, aviation analogy is flawed.
Humans not designed for anesthesia, seldom working properly when need it, no spares, little redundancy, poor service history. Situational awareness is key. #OAA3dc2022

What’s missing? #OAA3dc2022

What can you do? @Airwayman1’s 4C’s CONTROL what you can, COPE with what you can’t, CONCENTRATE on what counts, stay CALM. Apply the pyramid to your workspace. Algorithms can bridge the bottleneck. #OAA3dc2022

Hungry Angry Late Tired slide - all affect situational awareness. Sleep is essential. Bats sleep a lot? Fiona Kelly’s 8 things (@Airwayman1’s additions on right) - bridge or widen the bottleneck! #OAA3dc2022

@Airwayman1 acknowledges his colleagues and invites us to attend @Assoc_Anaes winter scientific meeting (also in London) #OAA3dc2022

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