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Nov 11, 2022, 10 tweets

Dr John Pauling on Raynaud's

🔑Age of onset a major factor to differentiate primary vs secondary

Other etiologies to consider other than rheum conditions

#ACR22 #ReviewCourse

1* Raynaud's as a dx of exclusion (I know some people do not like this term), at least based on the criteria of LeRoy & Medsger (1992)

#ACR22 #ReviewCourse

🥶Studies about prevalence of RP & January temps

Studies showing a link between low BMI (in women) and RP

Perhaps I should be glad I don't have RP!


CV risk factors and 1* RP?

Considerations for 1* RP and possible underlying etiology

👉If low BMI: keep core body temp warm

👉If subclinical ATH/CV risk factors: smoking cessation if smokers

#ACR22 #Reviewcourse

2* Raynaud's - target mgmt

Iatrogenic here includes meds, like beta blockers

#ACR22 #Reviewcourse

How is the outcome measured in SSc Raynaud's trials?

a look into the symptom diary

#ACR22 #ReviewCourse

UK consensus guidelines for mgmt in SSc pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26116156/

Another expert opinion based algorithm: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35382396/

#ACR22 #Reviewcourse

How does all of this translate into clinical practice?

#ACR22 #ReviewCourse

RACAND: Raynaud's with anticentromere Ab and necrosis of the digits


#ACR22 #ReviewCourse

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