Salil Tripathi (સલિલ ત્રિપાઠી) Profile picture
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Nov 15, 2022, 8 tweets

Later this afternoon, join me, @AhmedNajiTW, Julie Trebault of @AtRiskArtists, in a conversation with @karimabennoune at @UMich, Ann Arbor, where we speak of defending artistic freedom after the attack on #SalmanRushdie.

Also, today, in Germany (I wish I could be at two places at the same time, like a Rushdie character!) my friend @meenakandasamy gets honored by @PEN_Deutschland:

My understanding is that the ceremony in Germany and our event at Ann Arbor will both be available online, or through a recording later.

Writers should be read, agreed or argued with, debated, challenged; writers should never be jailed, tortured, beaten, attacked, or killed.

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