HeterodorxPodcast🍂🧑‍🦳 Profile picture
I’m not sarcastic; I’m queering sincerity.

Nov 18, 2022, 12 tweets

2022 has had some incredible pieces on the state of transgender medicine. I say without irony that the following might be the most important thing written.

A young woman detailed her experience with chest masculinization surgery with Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher in Miami. In July, she mocked previous victims of reckless transgender surgeons and clinicians. In August, she had surgery. Her words follow. (do not contact her)

In July, she was mocking people who had bad outcomes with gender affirming care. She banters with her friends about how ridiculous the complainers are.

Remember this theme: no matter what, everything is still "pro trans"

In August, she had surgery and things immediately go poorly. She calls Dr. Gallagher for help, who minimizes surgical complications and calls the seeping wound a "blowhole." Gallagher may have claimed that this complication never happens.

Ignored and badly advised by Gallagher, she tries to continue with her recovery and healing, but lands in the ER. When she alerts Gallagher, Gallagher mocks her, joking that she's menstruating out of her side.

Discovering signs of a severe infection the next day, she contacts Gallagher once more, but wisely seeks help elsewhere as well.

As it turns out, Gallagher has "opted out" of medical malpractice insurance, and therefore her patience have a much harder time being made whole. She is still laboring under the belief that she "feels relief she has top surgery" and can "live like a man."


And cope.

This exploitation has to stop.

⚠️Do not contact her, even with supportive messages. She will build her own support network. The worst thing you can do is aggravate her. She deserves sympathy and support, but it must come from people she trusts, not strangers. ⚠️

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