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Research/Academia • I have a set of morals & principles, and my goal is to remain consistent on them, regardless of the issue or side.

Nov 18, 2022, 6 tweets

1/ Question for the Twitterverse:

Why is it that the people who are most obsessed with masks & the loudest proponents of mask mandates also tend to be the biggest hypocrites when it comes to masking themselves?

A short thread with receipts.

Let’s start with @NightShiftMD

2/ Let’s continue on with @drmwarner. A major advocate for masking mandates & lockdowns.

As he was relentlessly pushing for lockdowns & closures in Dec 2021 (News story from CTV News), he was also parading around without a mask in swanky parties in Toronto. Disgusting behaviour!

3/ Now we have Duclolax Doris @DorisGrinspun, CEO of Registered Nurse’s Association of #Ontario.

On Twitter she unabashedly calls for mask mandates to be implemented, but in real live she gallivants around without wearing a mask herself.

The mask cult members are shameless!

4/ Moving on to CEO of @UnityHealthTO, @IrfanDhalla.

Irfan has been a major pusher of lockdowns and mask mandates since 2020. But doesn’t stop him from attending fancy cocktail parties in Toronto without a mask, in December 2021 when hospitals were being overwhelmed 🤡

5/ It’s not just MD & nurses CEOs that are hypocrites when it comes to masking.

@globeandmail journalist @marshalederman wrote an article this week virtue signalling about her wearing face masks & pushing for mask mandates. All while she goes on brunches & events without a mask!

6/ And finally, we have #Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Kieran Moore, who likes to party with a glassful of whiskey after telling parents they should mask their children at home if they are sick or have flu symptoms.

These hypocrites pushing masks can 🖕🏻 right off

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