Dr. AL Profile picture
Research/Academia • I have a set of morals & principles, and my goal is to remain consistent on them, regardless of the issue or side.
Binky Profile picture Fred Allen Censored Fringe Minority Member🇨🇦 Profile picture fche Profile picture Redpill News Profile picture Hasan Ameer Ali Profile picture 12 subscribed
Nov 18, 2022 6 tweets 7 min read
1/ Question for the Twitterverse:

Why is it that the people who are most obsessed with masks & the loudest proponents of mask mandates also tend to be the biggest hypocrites when it comes to masking themselves?

A short thread with receipts.

Let’s start with @NightShiftMD ImageImageImageImage 2/ Let’s continue on with @drmwarner. A major advocate for masking mandates & lockdowns.

As he was relentlessly pushing for lockdowns & closures in Dec 2021 (News story from CTV News), he was also parading around without a mask in swanky parties in Toronto. Disgusting behaviour! ImageImageImage
Jan 5, 2022 11 tweets 7 min read
1/ The corporate media & govts around the world are using the #Omicron variant as an excuse to dish out 3rd doses/boosters of CV19 vaccines. The booster shots are being marketed as being key for protection & crucial against Omicron. So let’s look at vaccine booster efficacy data. ImageImage 2/ Public Health England (PHE), probably one of the best sources for vaccine data in the world, just published vaccine booster efficacy data in their latest Technical Report. Let’s start with PHE’s vaccine booster efficacy data. Image