Anita Anand Profile picture
MP for Oakville and President of the Treasury Board. Députée d’Oakville et Présidente du Conseil du trésor. she/her/elle 🇨🇦

Nov 18, 2022, 7 tweets

My message at #HFX2022 today: From the ashes of the Second World War emerged a rules-based international order which has underpinned global security and prosperity for nearly 80 years.

That order is based on a set of shared values meant to govern international relations.

Collectively, we face two paths.

Do we let the hard-fought gains of the past 80 years slip away, and return to a world where might makes right?

Or do democracies stand together to preserve the longest stretch of progress, cooperation, and freedom the world has ever known?

Canada, for its part, is firmly on the side of liberal democracy and international order. The number of Ukrainian flags flying in solidarity in communities across this country makes that abundantly clear.

We have provided Ukraine with training, M777 howitzers, ammunition, anti-tank weapons, dozens of high-resolution drone cameras and armored combat support vehicles built right here in Canada. Canada will continue to stand with the Ukrainian people, for however long it takes.

We are also working closely with the United States to bolster our continental defences. Our Air Forces are working together to establish a cutting-edge network of Over-the-Horizon radar sites. These sites will improve our ability to detect incoming threats at longer ranges.

Finally, we are committed to deepening our engagement in the Indo-Pacific. Canada will soon be releasing our Indo-Pacific Strategy. From a defence perspective, we will increase our military presence and enhance our defence relationships with partners and allies in the region.

We cannot give up the fight. And we cannot take liberal democracy for granted.

As we work together to defend the values that we hold dear, Canada is here as your friend, ally, and partner – and we are fully committed to this noble mission. #HFX2022

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