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Nov 20, 2022, 10 tweets

NEW: Over 100 unionized @Starbucks locations launched a one-day strike Thursday, Nov. 17, to demand that the company engage in good faith union negotiations & address understaffing at locations across the country.

See the full story here: unicornriot.ninja/2022/starbucks…

#Thread 🧵 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Members of @SBWorkersUnited, the national union representing @Starbucks employees, organized the strike for Nov. 17 to coincide with the company’s annual “Red Cup Day” promotion, a major revenue booster for the coffee chain. ↕️ unicornriot.ninja/2022/starbucks…

Participating in the #RedCupRebellion, striking workers on the picket line in #SaltLakeCity told Unicorn Riot that they launched the strike not only in solidarity with other locations but in response to first-hand experience with unfair working conditions & anti-union activity.🧵

Across the country, union members & supporters participated in last week's Starbucks strike, making it the largest organized effort undertaken by the union since its formation in 2021.

In Minneapolis this summer, employees held a two-day strike. ↕️ unicornriot.ninja/2022/recently-…

Chronic understaffing, unfair workloads and hostile negotiation tactics were among the key complaints of striking Starbucks workers at the Salt Lake City location. 🧵

Full story: unicornriot.ninja/2022/starbucks…

Last week's Starbucks strike came one day after the National Labor Relations Board filed for injunctive relief against Starbucks in federal court, demanding that the multi-billion dollar company stop firing employees in retaliation for union organizing: unicornriot.ninja/wp-content/upl… ↕️

In 2020 Philly Starbucks workers accused their employer of retaliation after a labor dispute & delivered a NLRB form to the store; workers said they'd faced retaliation for workplace organizing & were told not to discuss their pay or working conditions: unicornriot.ninja/2020/philly-st… ↕️

While the NLRB intervention marks a significant moment in the struggle to unionize Starbucks employees, those on strike say it's not enough.

“We’re going through the proper channels...we’re still being met with illegal activities” said Kit Grob, shift supervisor/union organizer.

Amidst the heightened scrutiny of labor policies & 170+ open NLRB cases against Starbucks for anti-union threats & labor violations since Aug. 2021, workers in Richmond Starbucks protested a supervisor accused of sexual assault being place in store. ↕️ unicornriot.ninja/2022/richmond-…

Starbucks says it has taken “aggressive” measures to engage in union negotiations, but employees at locations across the country have described hostile meetings and repeated delays to scheduled negotiations. [Thread above]

Full story: unicornriot.ninja/2022/starbucks…

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