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I have views on all kinds of news! Blessed to be followed by @narendraModi ji🙏🙏; Co-convenor BJP Mumbai - IT and SM Cell; Views strictly personal

Nov 21, 2022, 6 tweets


See Congis views on #ChhatrapatiShivajiMaharaj

Nehruji called Maharaj “LOOTERU YODDHA” & was shown black flags by Maharashtra; his stubborn stand lead to 106 hutatmas martyred for Samyukta Maharashtra movement, whose Smruti Din it’s today🙏😢

Recall this,Uddhavji?😢…

How was the #SamyuktaMaharashtra Samiti born?

Who was responsible for the deaths of 106 hutatmas fighting for a UNITED Maharashtra?

Who insulted Maharaj & disregarded feelings of Marathi Manoos?

Who’s responsible for creation of Shiv Sena?

Listen to Bhau Torsekarji👇🏻👇🏻

What’s reaction of Uddhav ji to RaGa INSULTING #VeerSavarkar ji?

He says - We disagree with him

Is that what Balasaheb Thackeray said when Mani Shankar Aiyer insulted Savarkarji?

Is that what #ShraddhaWalkar’s father would say?

That we DISAGREE with #AftabPoonawalla ?🤨

So when Rahul Gandhi calls Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj “AAPKA ITIHAS” or insults a patriot like #VeerSavarkar ji, he is just following his great-grandfather Jawaharlal Nehru


Congis NEVER named any big project in Maharashtra after Maharaj & didn’t even restore Raigad🤨…

So we people of Maharashtra have to decide-

Who is the REAL heir of the ideology of Balasaheb?

His son who just DISAGREES with Rahul Gandhi?

Or @mieknathshinde ji & his band of revolutionaries who want same treatment for Rahul Gandhi as Balasaheb wanted for Mani Shankar Iyer?

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