Eduardo R Argaiz Profile picture
Attending Nephrologist @incmnszmx | Board Member at the Mexican Society of Echocardiography @SONECOM_AC | #Hemodynamics #EchoFirst

Nov 22, 2022, 12 tweets

#AKIConsultSeries:👨w T2DM➡️🏥 for fever, dysuria and CVA tenderness. On arrival: ⬇️BP, ⬆️Glucose, ⬆️AGMA. Dx UTI + DKA. Tx: Abx + Insulin Pump + 4 L Crystalloid + NE

After resus, pt still oliguric, Cr 3.2. NE 0.7 ug/kg/min,🧠confused, BP 85/62, HR 123, 2L O2. CRT 4 sec


Given DKA, giving additional fluids is tempting. But before we do this, its easy to do a quick assessment of fluid tolerance #POCUS

#LUS shows some B-lines (bilat)
#IVC plethoric w no respiratory collapse
#VExUS shows very pulsatile portal vein 🚨🤔


Pulse pressure is low (23!): This suggest a low cardiac output state!

Also, there are signs of fluid intolerance!

#EchoFirst: Window is suboptimal, but we see a Hyper-dynamic LV w small cavity and a turbulent flow (green color). There was no systolic RV failure


The combination of sepsis, hyper-dynamic LV, small LV cavity w turbulent flow and LOW Pulse Pressure suggests the possibility of LV obstruction!

How to assess this?

Obstruction leads to increased blood velocity (think of thumb on a hose)...


CW Doppler allows us to assess flow velocity and look for signs of obstruction

CW Doppler was performed with gate at LVOT and mid-cavity: Flow velocity > 5 m/s! (Velocity > 2.7 m/s is considered significantly elevated)

¿What could be causing this obstruction?


In a hyper-dynamic state, decreased LV filling can lead to systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve (SAM) and obstruct the outflow tract, there may also be mid-cavitary obliteration.

Sepsis and very high NE doses can create the ideal conditions for this to happen!


In this case, such a high velocity (>5 m/s) suggests I might be sampling a component of mitral regurgitation, so SAM might be happening here!

Since catecholamines worsen obstruction, a reasonable strategy is to switch to a vasopressor with no inotropism/chronotropism


In this case we did not give any additional fluid. Stopped NE and started High Dose Vasopressin (0.2 U/min). On reassessment 2 hrs later this worked!

HR down to 111, and most significantly Pulse Pressure now 67!!!

Increased PP strongly suggests improved stroke volume!


Also intra-ventricular gradient significantly improved and portal vein showed decongestion! (probably from improved cardiac output)!

**Shape suggests mid-ventricular gradient is still present (but definitely better than before)


48 hours later, as sepsis improved, pt was off pressors.

Both LVOT and Mid-Ventricular gradients disappeared (Velocity = 1 m/s) and Portal Vein was completely normal!


I found this case really interesting as this patient was likely fluid responsive even though he was NOT fluid tolerant!

More on Fluid Tolerance assessment here:…


A similar case that goes into more detail into the physiology of LV obstruction here:


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