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Nov 22nd 2022
#AKIConsultSeries:👨w T2DM➡️🏥 for fever, dysuria and CVA tenderness. On arrival: ⬇️BP, ⬆️Glucose, ⬆️AGMA. Dx UTI + DKA. Tx: Abx + Insulin Pump + 4 L Crystalloid + NE

After resus, pt still oliguric, Cr 3.2. NE 0.7 ug/kg/min,🧠confused, BP 85/62, HR 123, 2L O2. CRT 4 sec

Given DKA, giving additional fluids is tempting. But before we do this, its easy to do a quick assessment of fluid tolerance #POCUS

#LUS shows some B-lines (bilat)
#IVC plethoric w no respiratory collapse
#VExUS shows very pulsatile portal vein 🚨🤔

Pulse pressure is low (23!): This suggest a low cardiac output state!

Also, there are signs of fluid intolerance!

#EchoFirst: Window is suboptimal, but we see a Hyper-dynamic LV w small cavity and a turbulent flow (green color). There was no systolic RV failure

Read 12 tweets
Jul 10th 2022
#AKIConsultSeries Middle-aged male ➡️🏥 for painful knee and fever. Now in shock 🚨

📂Chart review: PMH EtOH Cirrhosis, right knee arthroplasty.

It is always a good practice review previous PACS images🩻: Nodular liver, colateral vessels and prosthetic right knee

On exam: BP 72/48, HR 82, O2Sat 95%.
CRT 7 sec, 🧠somnolent, confused. No edema, no obvious ascites.

Warm, swollen and erythematous knee: Tap with obvious purulent fluid🧫

Cr 2.8 mg/dl (baseline 0.5), K 6.7, Urine 🔬: hyaline casts, some urothelial cells

Loos like hemodynamic AKI (AKA Pre-renal)

Usual causes in Cirrhosis:

🔷Distributive: Septic, "Hepatorenal physiology" 🔷Hypovolemic: Laxatives, vomiting, large volume paracentesis
🔷Congestive: Porto-pulmonary HTN, Co-existing cardiomyopathy

Read 11 tweets
Dec 23rd 2021
Patient with flank pain, hematuria and significant leg edema


Lung Ultrasound #LUS 2/10
#IVC long axis 3/10
Read 10 tweets
Nov 17th 2021
#POCUS y #SoMe4MV en #PedsICU
🔊en Ventilación Mecánica 🫁

Abro hilo, iniciamos, y abiertos los comentarios:
Esta información tuvimos el gusto de compartirla en el IV Curso Internacional de Medicina Intensiva Pediátrica dentro del XVI Congreso Internacional de Medicina Intensiva organizado por la @sopemi_org.
Gracias por la invitación. Ahora si, entremos en materia.
Los objetivos planteados en tres puntos:
Relacionar el Ultrasonido Pulmonar (LUS) y la Ventilación Mecánica (VM).
Conocer guías y monitoreo que nos ofrece el POCUS en VM y mencionar elementos evaluables por LUS.
Read 56 tweets
May 3rd 2021
AKI Consult: 👵 ➡️ ED with severe DKA. CT Abdomen and Chest to look for infectious trigger: negative. Tx with IV insulin and balanced crystalloid + 6 L with obvious improvement. Cr was 2.7

Remained oliguric, now in sudden shock with increasing NE dose (0.5 ucg/kg/min) 🚨 1/12
#POCUS Very hyper-dynamic🫀 with increased contractility and no RV dysfunction.

🔎 Look carefully at color of flow exiting the LV:

Aliasing (green color): This means ultrasound system is trying to image an event that is occurring faster than the sample rate

This means flow is fast. But how fast? Choose the CW doppler setting and find out!

In this case acceleration was almost 6 m/s!

Flow acceleration occurs in the setting of obstruction (similar to putting your finger on the hose exit)

So what is causing the obstruction? 3/12
Read 12 tweets
Feb 16th 2021
Pt w advanced liver cirrhosis. 🏥 Comes w worsening ascites. No fever🤒, no bleeding🩸. 🧠 ok, no asterixis. BP 91/50. Labs📈: AKI (Cr 3.0 mg/dl), UNa 7 mEq/L, bland sediment. #POCUS 👉small cirrhotic liver with significant ascites. Paracentesis ruled out PBE. 📊Poll below👇 1/11
What would your initial treatment be? 2/11
Don't treat reflexively. A thorough physical exam ♥️🩺revealed a systolic murmur at left lower sternal border. Neck exam 👇

Sitting Down (90º) /// Supine (45º) 3/11
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