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Nov 25, 2022, 10 tweets

⭐️New day, New Thread!⭐️
Recently Across bridge Announced their #Airdrop🚀!
Congratulations to those who are eligible and don’t worry if you are not.

Today we are talking about @wormholecrypto Bridge and possible #Airdrop.
#Bitcoin #Cryptobridge #Airdrop

🤔What is @wormholecrypto?
✅A wormhole is an interoperability protocol powering the seamless transfer of value and information across 18 high-value chains with just one integration. The wormhole is not only a bridge, moreover, but it’s also a blockchain.

🔥Recently @wormholecrypto Performed AMA on Binance lives with @Moonbeamnetwork.
The project is being built strongly day by day so better to be an early user.
There is no doubt if everything went good, then @wormholecrypto will surely deploy their native token.🔥

🤔How to engage in @wormholecrypto?
✅Use their bridge
✅Use bridge for NFT
✅Attend their AMA
✅Use the projects that are live on @wormholecrypto
✅Be active on their Discord for further announcements
Some Screenshots🖼 of projects on wormhole are attached have a look.

🎯Using token Bridge
✔️Click on Portal Token Bridge (
✔️Select blockchain & connect the wallet
✔️Click on send (try not to close the tab while bridging)
✔️Select manual option
✔️Lastly, click on redeem and accept wallet popup
Here completed bridge

👉If by chance you closed the tab while bridging you have to redeem token manually via their redeem section.
✔️Copy your transaction hash from the source blockchain from where you are bridging token
✔️Paste it in the box and click redeem
✔️Accept fee popup on the wallet 🔐

🎯Using NFT bridge
✅Click on Portal Token Bridge (
✅Select blockchain
✅Click on your NFT
✅Select destination blockchain
✅Click on send
✅Same as token bridging if you closed the tab while bridging
🧵7/ 9

🔥Additional Information regarding #bugbounty
The team has clearly announced on their website that they are well concerned about security. So that is rewarding USD 10 million for #bugbounty.🔥
Any #Whitehat guys have a good opportunity

🗒Don’t forget to visit their discord.
🔗Discord link:…

Get regular updates with their announcement so that if any discord role is being distributed better to grab it.
Nowadays discord role is also an important criteria to get #Airdrop🚀.


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@GNAirdrops Turn On bell Notification.✅

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