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Nov 26, 2022, 11 tweets

When President @jokowi handed over G20 presidency to PM @narendramodi at Bali recently, PM called it a matter of pride for every citizen in India & expressed hope it will help “make G20 summit a catalyst for global welfare.”

What a perfect place to start G20 dialogue process!

As India’s G20 Sherpa @amitabhk87 accompanied heads of missions and ambassadors of G20 nations, first to Port Blair, followed by their conference destination at Havelock, PM @narendramodi ‘s personal touch can be seen written all over it!

Notwithstanding the unsavoury controversy over Veer Savarkar, @narendramodi Govt took all the delegates to Cellular Jail & brought them face to face with struggle of Indian revolutionaries & in the process made a statement - why Independence is imp to us!

In keeping with India’s commitment to fighting sponsored terror in all forms, the conference began on 2611-day that will remain etched in our collective memory for ever.

And it began with Yoga,beach cleaning followed by presentation-again PM @narendramodi ‘a stamp all over it!

A week before departing for Bali, PM @narendramodi launched G20 logo for India’s presidency. It is clear from video India’s G20 presidency will show a completely diff view of India to the world- a confident, resurgent & powerful India, determined to play its role on global stage!

If one were to go by track record of PM @narendramodi over past 8+ years, he has used every international visit -be it own or inbound visits of visiting heads of states-to showcase India in a diff light. Whether it is abt selecting the venue or gift, it is always #IndiaFirst

Gone are the days when Indian PM used to charm foreigners with snakes; current Indian PM @narendramodi always makes it a point to show them India’s best and brightest of several millennia old civilisation…..& G20 will not be any exception either!

In my view: if there is one leader who has followed soft power theory propounded by Joseph Nye in 2004 to the last word, it is PM @narendramodi .

NYE described it as “the ability to get what you want through attraction rather than coercion or payments”.

According to Nye, “it arises from attractiveness of a country’s culture, political ideals, & policies. When our policies are seen as legitimate in d eyes of others, our soft power is enhanced”. PM @narendramodi, be it through his choice of venue, gifts etc,has always enhanced it!

Kudos to @amitabhk87 for the way he has been handling the Sherpa responsibility entrusted to him by the @narendramodi Govt.

And for me this comment by British HC bears the real testimony of the Indian effort. It is how long we have come under PM @narendramodi over past 8 plus years to become a confident, resurgent and powerful nation. Next 12 months will be defining moments for India.

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