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Covering #Iran & #MidEast, especially what MSM won't Have a passion for exposing Tehran apologists/lobbyists

Nov 26, 2022, 13 tweets

Nov 26—Tehran, #Iran
Locals are continuing the nationwide anti-regime protests on this 72nd night of the uprising.

Nov 26—Karaj, west of Tehran, #Iran
"For each person killed another thousand will rise!" chanted protesters in the city's Golshahr district.

Nov 26—Karaj, west of Tehran, #Iran
Protesters in the city's Golshahr district chanted:
"From Kurdistan to Tehran, my life for Iran!"
"Zahedan, Kurdistan! The pride of Iran!"

Nov 26—Isfahan, central #Iran
Locals seen continuing the nationwide anti-regime protests on the 72nd night of the uprising.

Nov 26—Mashhad, NE #Iran
"So many years of crimes! Death to the mullahs' regime!" protesters were seen chanting in the streets.

Nov 26—Tehran, #Iran
Protesters in the capital's Sattarkhan district were seen chanting: "Death to the child-killing state!"
"Death to IRGC!"
"Death to the Basij!"

Nov 26—Tehran, #Iran
Protesters in the capital's Tehranpars district were seen chanting: "This is the year Seyed Ali (Khamenei) is overthrown!"

Nov 26—Isfahan, central #Iran
More footage of locals continuing the nationwide anti-regime protests on the 72nd night of the uprising.

Nov 26—Tehran, #Iran
"[Khamenei] is a disgrace!" the protesters in the capital's Tehranpars district were chanting, referring to regime dictator Ali Khamenei.

Nov 26—Tehran, #Iran
Protesters in the capital's Sattarkhan district were seen chanting: "Zahedan & Kurdistan are the pride of Iran!"

Nov 26—Tehran, #Iran
Protesters in the capital's Sattarkhan district were seen chanting "Death to the dictator!" and "Death to Khamenei!" referring to regime dictator Ali Khamenei.

Nov 26—Isfahan, central #Iran
"Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!" local protesters were chanting.

November 26 - Tehran, #Iran
Protesters in the capital's ShahrAra district were seen chanting: "From Kurdistan to Tehran, my life for Iran!"

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