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On a mission to retire millions of people with crypto! Private for a bit, big things coming 👀 Crypto is high-risk. Tweets are not intended for UK residents!

Nov 27, 2022, 16 tweets

Here are 50+ questions I ask before I invest in any #crypto

This checklist is my ultimate secret for finding high-quality crypto #alts and not getting rekt on shitcoins and it's yours, free 😘


◆◆ Funding ◆◆
I always look at funding first. If a project has no runway in a bear market it's dead in the water. It's a challenge to dig up these answers sometimes but my first steps are always Google and ask the team directly on their Telegram or Discord.


◆◆ Team - General ◆◆
The best place to find this info is on the team's website, socials and of LinkedIn. Also, just asking on their Telegram or Discord.


◆◆ Team - Developers ◆◆
Check LinkedIn for previous dev experience and @Artemis__xyz to see how active they are on GitHub. If they aren't on Artemis you can check GitHub directly. How recent a commit is is more important than overall commit frequency though!


◆◆ Do they earn fiat outside of crypto? ◆◆
This info is usually found on the project's whitepaper or website, if you can find it there ask on their Telegram or Discord.


◆◆ Tokenomics - Value Accrual ◆◆
Same as above but you might need to do some math to answer these. If you don't want to do the math, as their community on Telegram/Discord.


◆◆ Tokenomics - Investors ◆◆
Same as above, check their whitepaper but you can also google for investor info. Keep in mind VCs don't always buy presale, sometimes they accumulate from the spot market just like you. Not necessarily a bad thing but worth considering.


◆◆ Community ◆◆
Community is arguably more important than tokenomics. A lot of projects rally based on community alone. The only way to know if the community is strong is to spend time in their Telegram or Discord and see how good their Twitter engagement is.


◆◆ Use Cases ◆◆
Check their website and whitepaper for this. Use case is important for long-term growth. Bonus points if the use case is valid in a bear market.


◆◆ Roadmap ◆◆
Projects usually publish roadmaps on their website or on their blog. If you struggle to find it just ask on their Telegram or Discord.


◆◆ Users ◆◆
These are not always easy to answer but the best place to look is in their Telegram or Discord. Do they update often? Is the team active in the community? Are there positive vibes on Discord? Are haters shouted down by holders?


◆◆ Competitors ◆◆
Competitor research is difficult by necessary. You find this info by looking at competitor whitepapers, sites and their communities.


◆◆ Risks ◆◆
A lot of these can be answered while you are doing competitor research or answering questions in other categories. Whitepapers, websites, Telegram/Discord and general knowledge of the sector are all useful for answering these questions.


◆◆ Current Value ◆◆
The most important question is if the project is undervalued. I use all of the above questions to determine this along with game theory and Keynesian value investing theories which I will cover in another thread.


It's important to note that you will never be able to answer all of these questions for each project but the more you can answer the better. Also, not every answer has to be positive in order to consider investing but too many red flags obviously increase risk.


I hope you've found this thread useful. Follow me @LadyofCrypto1 for more and please like/retweet the first tweet below if you can 🙏


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