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Nov 27, 2022, 17 tweets

1/ Introducing, #ReHash, a new initiative by me and @archipelabro to produce more structured and in-depth memos on projects. Our first #ReHash, focuses on @ribbonfinance. We’ll cover a general overview of their product, space and our thoughts on it.

#DeFi #OptionsTrading

2/ You can view the full memo (.pdf) in @skiffprivacy link below:

3/ Disclaimers. Nothing in this tweet/memo is to be used as financial advice, these are merely for our personal educative consumption.

4/ At a glance. @ribbonfinance is a suite of #DeFi structured products focusing on bringing sustainable yields. They sit comfortably on the top 100 DeFi apps by TVL.

5/ Product overview. Their current product line is as follows:
- DeFi Options Vaults (DOVs)
- Ribbon Earn (principal-protected yield vaults)
- Ribbon Treasury (extension of DOVs for DAOs)
- Ribbon Lend (unsecured institutional lending)
- @aevoxyz (options marketplace)

6/ On tokenomics. They adapt a dynamic-time @CurveFinance ‘s ve-tokenomics. By integrating @redactedcartel ‘s Hidden Hand, they enable a bribe market for both gauge voting and yield boosting, something novel.

7/ Here’s their token distribution and emissions schedule.

8/ The $RBN token mainly accrues value through @ribbonfinance ‘s revenue streams across its products. Buybacks, revenue sharing schemes and governance shares bring in value to the $RBN token.

9/ Currently, @ribbonfinance 's DOV holds 70% of Ribbon’s TVL and drives an est. US$60mn/weekly notional volume of options to @opyn_ . It’s fair to say that Ribbon’s DOV found great PMF.

10/ Key players in the space. We’re aware of the vast (and growing) space of decentralized options, but decided to cover @opyn_ and @dopex_io due to its strong relevance to Ribbon.

11/ Our thoughts. @ribbonfinance 's expansion to @aevoxyz is natural and synergic with their existing product line, and their strategy was perfect — find demand, then build it yourself. Our two key concerns are their low percentage of locked $RBN and token distribution.

12/ References.

13/ That’s it! We’re trying out different post formats to help you understand the space better, let us know your thoughts on this format.

#DeFi #Options #OptionsTrading

14/ Our previous visual guide also cover the basic of #Options and #DOV:
- Options:
- DOVs

15/ Amazing article by the legend, @blocmatesdotcom also very good to read with example using @HxroNetwork platform for options trading

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