Federica Cue 🐆 Profile picture
Freelance, Story Artist & Film/Animation Teacher who loves Storytelling. slight obsession over all things Mesoamerica🐆. 🇲🇽 + 🖤🤍💜

Nov 29, 2022, 14 tweets

Since my basic breakdown got popular (thank you all so much!), here’s a new thread to enjoy. The #Mesoamerica Influences in Costumes of #wakandaforever so spoliers ahead!! Fashion, my favorite 🤩🧵1/13

Starting with #Shuri’s fit! Namora’s not wrong when she says someone of Shuri’s status wears highly decorated jade ornaments. Right pic of K’abal, Maya “warrior” queen of Wak, wearing lots of jade (that I highlighted) 🧵2/13

Layers of clothing & various color was also a sign of high status. So #Namora gets to really show it off! Her formal regalia reminds me of a cape from a Jaina Island (Campeche) figure & I even spotted her wearing a net top like one of my friend’s studies 🧵3/13 #wakandaforever

#Attuma also shines with his status! Layers, colors, & jade. He wears jaguar pelt on his legs. Bonambak Murals show how animal skins were worn by the Maya. Also, Jade on his cape has similar motifs to water in Maya iconography like the basal 🧵4/13 #wakandaforever

#Namor Time! He wears a Timatl (cape) worn to the side & loin cloth. Typical of any men generally in mesoamerica. His is more decorated for status. Gold arm bands are also a sign of rulership like in the stela of King Itzamnaaj K’awil of Naranjo. 🧵5/13 #wakandaforever

Here a friend dives deeper into #Namor ‘s outfit including a link between the necklace and a Mixtec artifact! 🧵6/13

At least to the Maya, feathered headwear with a more stylized head piece could ONLY be worn by royalty for SPECIAL occasions like ceremonies. Namor’s is somewhat close. But, no. Moctezuma’s feathered “headress” was only a gift to the Spaniards (or stolen Aztec artwork 👀)🧵7/13

Now let’s talk #Talokan. A bit dark to see details but I recognized a few things, especially an Aztec chalcayatl (knot cape). Some men wore loin cloths & timatls interchangeably. I couldn’t tell if they had color but the next post prooves they could have🧵8/13 #wakandaforever

Now women fashion. This one wearing a Maya sarong (wrap around dress) shows there is color & design in #Talokan fashion! Added references to represent what else I saw. Note in Mesoamerica: the lower the status, the less color & design.🧵9/13 #wakandaforever

So… what’s the deal with those earings and Namor’s nose piercing? Well a friend goes a bit more detailed about what and who wore what 🧵10/13 #wakandaforever

…But here’s some images. Many gods are depicted with nose peircing in codexes. And tomb of the infamous Maya King of Palenque, Pakal, displays similar jade earing. And look, arm bands! 🧵11/13 #wakandaforever

Then why jade over gold? Well, Mesoamerica in general didn’t care much for gold. The Maya didnt start using it till around 800 AD. Jade was the Prize! The teal green color represented life & only reserved for nobility. Pics from Jade Museum, San Cristobal, Chiapas. 🧵12/13

Lastly, a nitpick (wait let me explain!!). The warriors wore these odd chest wraps? & women never wore loincloths (ok, makes sense in battle). The codex page shows variants they could’ve worn. Yet, I understand the designer choices based on the screenshotted tweet 🧵13/13

And thats why i needed a seperate thread 😂. I credited him in his art but if you want to know more about the illustrations i used, @Zotzcomic is the guy! There’s also lots of places to learn (not ancient aliens!!). I recommend mexicolore.co.uk . Thnx for reading!

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