Carlos Bertolín Profile picture

Nov 30, 2022, 12 tweets

TOP 🔟 ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY CASES ➡️ November 2022 (personal opinion) #medtwitter #pocus #echofirst #cardioed #cardiotwitter #medicaleducation #ENARM #FOAMed

10. Subaortic membrane in the outflow tract of LV @Irina67790690

9. Septal rupture complicating acute myocardial infarction @CyntiaMachain

8. Left ventricular aneurysm @doc_cardio

7. 3D Lambl excrescences vs endocarditis @echo_stepbystep

6. Metastatic hypernephroma @RodrigogpLima

5. Mitral valve with double orifice @marciomp50

4. RA Thrombus (Pinball game😅) @AvrahamCooperMD

🥉 LA mass likely villous myxoma @SalimaqMD

🥈 Left ventricular mass. Thrombus (recanalised inside) vs tumor

🥇Cardiac rhabdomyomas @drcoacher @GopalKkoduru

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