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Dec 1, 2022, 11 tweets

It’s #WorldAIDSDay

Here are 4 things you need to know about #HIV ⬇️

Have you ever taken a #HIV test?
If YES ➡️ Well done! Just remember to do it regularly!
If NO ➡️ What are you waiting for?

On #WorldAIDSDay & beyond, the best time to take a test is NOW

It’s #WorldAIDSDay

Inequalities still persist for the most basic services like testing and treatment.
We must ensure that everyone, everywhere has equal access to #HIV prevention, testing, treatment and care

Yana explains what devastating impact the war in #Ukraine 🇺🇦 has had on young people living with #HIV


It’s #WorldAIDSDay

There were an estimated 38.4 million people living with #HIV at the end of 2021, two thirds of whom are in @WHOAFRO.
1.7 million of these are children

#Equalize is the theme of #WorldAIDSDay in 2022. @Alissonbecker, WHO Goodwill Ambassador & Brazilian goalkeeper at the @FIFAWorldCup, explains why addressing inequalities is such an important goal ⬇️

Only 52% of children living with #HIV are on life-saving treatment.

To end AIDS in all populations by 2030 we need to stop new infections among children and ensure everyone requiring treatment are on quality antiretrovirals

Globally, 70% of new #HIV infections are among people who are marginalized & often criminalized.
We can only end AIDS by scaling up HIV services and removing structural barriers & stigma and discrimination of key populations in every country


🚨All forms of stigma & discrimination have to stop🚨

On #WorldAIDSDay & beyond, you can play your part & stand up against #HIV related stigma & discrimination by:
✅ Checking your biases
✅ Learning the facts

The updated WHO family planning handbook provides guidance for women and girls in high HIV-burden settings.
Every person, irrespective of #HIV status, should be able to realize their sexual and reproductive health and rights


We call on film enthusiasts to submit their short films on #HIV / AIDS to the #HealthForAll Film Festival until the 31st January 2023.

More information:

Join the #Film4health global movement!

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