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On-chain data researcher||野生研究员 Definder链上数据分析师,熊市布局 Ethereum策略,牛市爆发在 Solana/ Bitcoin网络 ||@Burning_Labs:标配撸毛工作室||@AirToolTOP :一键部署挖矿节点;

Dec 5, 2022, 7 tweets

1 hour ago, two transfers totaling 104,742 ETH ($131975048USD) occurred at the address marked as Bitfinex: Hot Wallet, etherscan.io/address/0x7713…, these two transfers occurred within 5 minutes.

The address etherscan.io/address/0x2842… to withdraw 55,592.23 #eth ($70mUSD) is a new address. Of course, these $ETH are not just bought recently, because the daily trading volume of the bitfinex eth-usd trading pair is only 20m usd, this operation is like the collection of whales.

The deposit of another address etherscan.io/address/0xd275… is very coincidental. It recharged 49149.99 #ETH ($62m USD) 5 minutes before the last large withdrawal. If it were not for the recharge of this fund, bitfinex The $ETH on the hot wallet is seriously insufficient,

and it needs to be withdrawn from the cold The wallet is transferred in. It is possible that the recharge address has a certain relationship with bitfinex, so the liquidity was replenished in a timely manner.The source of the funds was a loan from AAVE lengding in two minutes ago

This address recharges bitfinex with an amount of 99999 eth, and obtains 199999 eth from bitfinex, and this address only participates in low-risk mortgage mining.

Whether bitfinex misappropriated user funds to participate in low-risk mining, However, due to the impact of the #FTX turmoil, the funds in the bitfinex cold wallet have been continuously decreasing, and 220,000 eth ($277m usd) have been outflowed in the past ten days.

of course, this is just speculation, but the above behavior is still very suspicious.@bitfinex #CEX #Ethereum

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