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Dec 8, 2022, 6 tweets

#Malaria cases continued to rise between 2020 and 2021, but at a slower rate than in the period 2019 to 2020

Despite supply chain and logistical challenges during the pandemic, most countries succeeded in maintaining #malaria testing and treatment

#DYK: Insecticide treated bednets are the primary vector control tool used in most #malaria-endemic countries

Seasonal #malaria chemoprevention - medicines given monthly during the rainy season - is recommended to prevent the disease among children living in areas with highly seasonal malaria transmission in Africa

To end #malaria, we need to keep investing in new tools, incl. new types of nets, insecticides, drugs and vaccines

Despite successes, many challenges remain, particularly in the African Region, which shouldered about 95% of #malaria cases and 96% of deaths globally in 2021

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