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Ontario Place for All is a grassroots group whose goal is to keep Ontario Place vibrant & publicly accessible. #TOPoli #ONPoli info@ontarioplaceforall.com

Dec 9, 2022, 5 tweets

Sharing some early observations after flipping through the 2,272 pages of the development application. First of all, the private spa is big! It's all you will see from the water and will dwarf everything else at Ontario Place. #topoli #onpoli

We're paving the lake! West Island will see more infill in an attempt to make public space after the spa takes over most of West Island. #topoli #onpoli

All the red dots are trees that will have to be removed.

Incredible diversity of birds visit Ontario Place, as part of the migratory birdway that is our waterfront. Can't see a glass spa being very good for those birds.

Here's a shot of the parking lot. Note its proximity to water. Expensive to build ($100,000+ per spot) and extremely expensive to maintain underground parking lots on the waterfront!

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