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Scottish women, campaigning for our rights. DM to join a local group.… #SexNotGender

Dec 10, 2022, 6 tweets

Imagine Scotland had a high bar to define a thing, say haggis, but England decided to redefine haggis to be anything that identified as haggis (like pasties) but demanded to be allowed into Scotland & for pasties to be labelled haggis, @scottishgreens would be annoyed, right? 1/

Well @MaggieChapman is getting annoyed that @ScottishGreens & @SP_EHRCJ (Maggie is Deputy Convener) want to drop the bar so anyone can be legally defined as female, a level much lower than the rest of the UK, Westminster have noticed & said "wait one cotton picking minute". 2/…

So we have Maggie ranting about rights of pasties while screwing over the native haggises. Maggie's joined by big pastie fans @stonewalluk, claiming some imaginary overwhelming pastie mandate (well of course pasties will be happy, but anyone asked haggises how they feel?)

No! We, sorry, the haggises are not happy, not happy at all. Nor are the women @MaggieChapman @Cmacf76. In fact the majority of Scots reject your attempt to allow anyone to legally be called female. #NoToSelfID

If you feel the same way and want to tell all Scottish MSPs you opinion on whether @MaggieChapman gets to allow anyone to legally call themselves female, without any safeguarding, them come along on Wed 21st. Get ready to shout #NoToSelfID. #MacGRC

This fight over women's rights is not going to end on 21st Dec, of course. So if you want to get involved, please get in touch. We've over 20 regional SFN groups across Scotland & can put you in touch with one in your area. DM us your location. 💪

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