Emm πŸ”œ GDC 2025 Profile picture
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸ‡«πŸ‡· Co-founder of https://t.co/7ElrGjg10n πŸš€ building the most efficient AI toolset for consistency and creative control πŸ‘Ύ | @scenario_gg

Dec 11, 2022, 7 tweets

It's 3am, and I just can't stop finetuning and prompting on scenario.gg

I'm making a collection of little monsters.

We invented the endless fun machine 😍πŸ’₯

.@Scenario_gg #StableDiffusion #AI #Gaming #GenAI

I love them.

"Little monster, scary, clay figurine, 3D rendering, detailed, green and yellow, red eyes"



"Little monster, octopus, tentacles, bronze figurine, 3D rendering, detailed, blue and orange patina"

Aaand voila.


What in the world...

"Little monster, zombie tree, intricate bark, bronze statue, patina, big eyes"

Pure magic

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