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Dec 12, 2022, 11 tweets

Today is Universal Health Coverage Day.

What is universal health coverage?
A world where everyone everywhere can access healthcare without facing financial hardships.

Let’s build the world we want: #HealthForAll


To build the world we want, we need health systems that support, respect and protect everyone’s health and well-being.
Primary Health Care is key to ensure #HealthForAll


Humanitarian crises

They all have a profound impact on our health systems. On this Universal Health Coverage Day, let’s step up for #HealthForAll


Increased public financing for health & reduced out-of-pocket costs towards health is a game-changer.

Investing towards #HealthForAll secures our
and more

WHO’s Global Health Expenditure Report

A well-designed health service package gets countries a step closer towards #HealthForAll.

Explore this tool:


Your life, your health 🫶
Find health information that is ...

for people 👩‍👩‍👦👩‍👧💏👬across life phases.

Universal health coverage means #HealthForAll

Understanding the needs of newborns and children under the age of 5 isn't always easy.
Check out these handy tips on caring, feeding and keeping young ones clean, safe and healthy

#HealthForAll #UHCDay

Ever wondered how to navigate the teenage years?
Full of curiosity, exploration, and promise.

How does one have a healthy social life, stay safe, and get the right kind of health support?

Find here:
#HealthForAll #UHCDay

Later in adulthood, the world can be fulfilling. 👴👵

It is possible to have a healthy mind and body with the right kind of support, social interaction, and access to health services.

Find more tips here

In Rwanda, 83% of the people live in rural areas. And accessing healthcare has always been challenging. But thanks to the construction of health posts this has started to change.

#HealthForAll #UHCDay

WHO's global report on health equity for persons with disability recommends actions to advance universal health coverage through disability inclusion in the health sector.


#HealthForAll #UHCDay

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