Joe Murphy  🇺🇸🇺🇦🇮🇪☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️ Profile picture
Followed by @glennkirschner2 @Thom_Hartmann @joncoopertweets @NancySinatra #NAFO 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇮🇪 Koch Antagonizer Anti-MAGA Coalition

Dec 13, 2022, 25 tweets

The Koch Agenda
ALEC Background I
Upset with New Deal politics ULTRA LIBERTARIAN Charles Koch Stated “Business should litigate and lobby
to affect bureaucratic behavior” (Libertarian Behavior)
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ONEV1 #ProudBlue22

ALEC is a Koch Network Org used to chip away at ProDemocracy Laws at the State and Federal level
Also Creating new laws for Libertarian govt to privatize profitable public programs
and eliminating those that have no profit potential
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemVoice1 #DemCast

ALEC was originally named the Conservative Caucus of State Legislators
As with all Koch related organizations it was later renamed in the classic Orwellian double speak of the Koch universe as
American Legislative Exchange Council
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemVoice1 #DemCast

No other agency has drawn Koch's ire as the EPA, preventing him from polluting our country, and eroding his profits
That protecting our clean air/water can elicit so much hatred is telling of Koch's libertarian agenda.
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemVoice1 #DemCast

Powell called for a propaganda effort staffed with scholars, to which US business should devote 10% of its total advertising budget, including a review and critique textbooks, especially in economics, political science, and sociology
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemVoice1 #DemCast

ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group;
It is much more powerful than that.
Through ALEC, corporations hand state legislators creating their wishlists to benefit their bottom line.
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemVoice1 #DemCast

By 2011, the # of ALEC legislative members had reached 2k, including more than 25% of all state legislators
2k bills based on ALEC language were being introduced in state legislatures every year
approximately 20% passed
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemVoice1 #DemCast

ALEC’s work has been done in secret meetings with Lawmakers, Corporate execs and lobbyists all drafting bills that they maintain further the common good
Note-Never in history has Koch Network money been used for the common good
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemVoice1 #DemCast

Adding insult to injury, ALEC funding is Tax free because of ALEC’s 501(c) charity status. Money that should be going to our Treasury in support of this country.
Instead,used as a writeoff to fund the destruction of this country!
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemVoice1 #DemCast

ALEC’s efforts to sway all laws to the Koch agenda include focusing on state legislators
SPN ALEC’s sister organization is just as dangerous to Democracy as ALEC and does indeed work hand in hand promoting Ultra Libertarian-ism
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemVoice1 #DemCast

The Koch Agenda
ALEC Background II
Upset with New Deal politics
Stated “Business should litigate and lobby
to affect bureaucratic behavior” (Libertarian Behaviour)
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ONEV1 #ProudBlue22

For more than 2 decades, the Koch network thru ALEC has been diligently spreading disinformation to sabotage efforts to transition to a clean energy economy, more often than not by attacking climate policies on economic grounds
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemVoice1 #DemCast

ALEC members also have access to Policy decisions thru elected officials who rely on PAC donations giving them undue corporate influence
Also they oppose bills that will help consumers and hold business accountable.
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemVoice1 #DemCast

Examine-The Koch network path to combat lock-down measures during the pandemic
As Oil profits dropped the Koch network had to find a way to convince the public,
profits and the economy where more important than human lives
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemVoice1 #DemCast

Scott Atlas other Pseudo Academics create alternative science for pay
Most anti-vaccine Lies originate in Koch funded groups
From here it is spread to the Koch Thinks Tanks solely to discredit and erode public trust in real science
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemVoice1 #DemCast

After the lie is created and refined it is spread to the RW Media outlets and Social Media for the chaos creators like Prosobiec/Rogan/Bannon
Manufacturing faux public outcry, while further eroding trust in government/science
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemVoice1 #DemCast

ALEC litigation and Lobbying convinced lawmakers to pressure the govt and courts to back down on Covid safety measures
Litigation continues even to this day to ensuring Public Safety will never have priority over Profits for the 1%
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemVoice1 #DemCast

ALEC continues its assault on Climate Change, EV Vehicles, Green energy
Promotes private schools & ending Soc Sec and Medicare

50% of our Lawmakers in office today have direct ties to ALEC representing 1% of the populations wishes
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemVoice1 #DemCast


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