Rangarajan chilkur Profile picture
CS Rangarajan, Archaka of Chilkur Balaji Devasthanam, arguing for religious freedom & preserving traditional systems

Dec 17, 2022, 7 tweets

"..Obligation of Thrippadidanam is inherited by this Hon’ble Court & it is how picture of Shri Rama, Seetadevi and Lakshmana in Original Constitution Part III page is to be understood...Art 26 is Antaratma of our Constitution which governs outcome as per emblem यतो धर्मस्ततो जयः"

...of such matters brought before this Hon’ble Court when read with the obligation of Thrippadidanam inherited by this Hon’ble Court and of the Oath taken by Hon’ble Judges and meaning of GOD explained by Dr Ambedkar.."

The affidavit ends with the important advise of Shri Chilkur Balaji Deity in Koorma form which is part of Art 363 dispute papers already filed in previous additional affidavit.

The key messages in the above important affidavit to Hon'ble SC Judges almost three years after Feb 10th 2020 rejection of Shri Chilkur Balaji Deity, Shirur Mutt & Thanthri Shri Padmanabha Swamy temple on same day..

Which gave raise to Art 363 #Kantara dispute and finally culminated in above affidavit summarizing the resolution of dispute captured in a single frame 👇

Hope Hon'ble SC Judges in their winter vacation time watch #Kantara movie it will enable them to grasp the essence of the message conveyed in the affidavit easily

Also suggest visit to Shri Padmanabha Swamy temple to Hon'ble SC Judges especially during evening Deeparadhana time the key significance of why Deeparadhana is first performed to Shri Rama, Seetadevi and Lakshmana sannidhi before it is performed to main Deity illuminates message

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