Rebekah Jones Profile picture
Retired Whistleblower, Florida refugee. Climate & Disaster Scientist. 'Darling of fever swamps' per Desantis. Beat out Elon for Forbes Tech Person o/t Year.

Dec 17, 2022, 5 tweets

I also got #kmartTedBundy and #RapeyMcForehead trending, even though I wasn't even on here. lol @mattgaetz

I also attended my first fancy dinner party in which many utensils were provided...

My team somehow convinced me to sing the national anthem at one of my campaign events... which I was off pitch for and will never do again lol

Oh! And I have bears!! In case you weren't aware, #Navarre #Florida has #bears!!…

This guy didn't even try to hide his identity when he left this voicemail threatening to kill my family. I reported to the @FBI. @mattgaetz refused to denounce the threat.

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