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Dec 18, 2022, 9 tweets

This International #MigrantsDay, here are 5⃣ facts about migrants’ health you should know:

Every 8th person in the world is a refugee or a migrant.

Migrant & refugee populations make valuable contributions to society. However they can’t reach their full potential unless they are in good physical & #MentalHealth.

The right to health is 🔑 to achieve #HealthForAll.

It's International #MigrantsDay

The right to health is a human right ❤️‍🩹

→ Health does not begin or end at national borders, so migratory status should not exclude anyone from health services & social protection.

♥️ #HealthForAll ♥️

During the last 30 years, the number of international migrants in the world almost doubled.

→ Health & social protection systems need to be prepared to accommodate the rising health needs of refugees & migrants. Information & data on their health is crucial.

It's International #MigrantsDay.

The right to health means access to universal health coverage that is:
✅ Timely
✅ Good Quality
✅ Affordable
✅ Acceptable
✅ Appropriate



It's International #MigrantsDay

Migrants and refugees are integral to a society’s development.



It's International #MigrantsDay

Universal health care must include refugees and migrants!


The health & well-being of refugees & migrants is impacted by factors including:
🏘️ housing
👨‍🏭 working conditions
🔄 migratory status
🪙 income
⚕️ access to services
🏫 education


It's International #MigrantsDay

Early detection and treatment of #Cancer is crucial.

Migrants & refugees are likely to face poorer health outcomes for untreated noncommunicable diseases, due to limited access to health-care services.


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