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Dec 18, 2022, 11 tweets

Aztec #Airdrop Strategy

@aztecnetwork has announced $100 million in Series B financing led by @a16zcrypto, with participation from A Capital and many more

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#zkmoney #zkEVM

@aztecnetwork @a16zcrypto Aztec has raised a total of $119.1M in funding over 4 rounds. 

Their latest funding was raised on Dec 15, 2022 from a Series B round.

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@aztecnetwork @a16zcrypto zkMoney allows users to confidentially access DeFi services on Ethereum with up to 100x cost savings.

zkMoney is built on top of Aztec network!

@aztecnetwork @a16zcrypto They have not announced any airdrop yet!

But this is one of the ingredients of a big potential airdrop 👀

Here is how we can interact with zkMoney/Aztec


@aztecnetwork @a16zcrypto Steps to do:

1. Register an account alias & Deposit fund from ETH Mainnet
2. Use the DeFi features

@aztecnetwork @a16zcrypto 1. Register an account alias

•  Go to
•  Click on "Shield Now" > "Retrieve Aztec Address" > Connect "Wallet" > "Sign In"
•  "Retrieve Spending Key" > "Sign In"
•  "Copy to clipboard" > "Next step"

@aztecnetwork @a16zcrypto Now register an alias

• Create a user name
• Select a speed for your registration (select default speed for cheaper fee)
• Make your first deposit (I recommend minimum 0.01+ ETH)

@aztecnetwork @a16zcrypto You’ll see this page after registration:

Here you can find all your txns, like Shield, Defi Deposit, Defi Claim etc.

In every transaction, you'll this tick mark ✅

@aztecnetwork @a16zcrypto 2. Use the DeFi features

• Go to
• And use at least 2-3 earn and invest options.

@aztecnetwork @a16zcrypto In this case, We're using the Lido Earn option.

• Click on Earn
• Enter amount (Recommend min 0.01 ETH) > Next
• Check "I understand the risks"
• Confirm transaction
(Just "sign in", no txn required)

@aztecnetwork @a16zcrypto Now go back to wallet page:

And you will see the recent txn at bottom.

• There will be one
• Once appears, your txn is settled.

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