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Disaffected Leftist, disabled, gay rights,, pro cats anti gender identity ideology. Blue check paid for by a supporter-not monetized

Dec 19, 2022, 14 tweets

Several men have asked why there is outrage about men claiming to be women (#TransWomenAreConMen ) and not women doing the same to men.
Explanation: first, it hurts all of us when we frame diverse men AND women as other than what they are.
Yes, that includes women claiming /1

/2 to be men or non-women (non-binary and other nonsense).
There is are several reasons why we must talk about it more when men do it than when women do it. And it's shocking if you don't know what those reasons are

3/First and foremost male people are bigger, stronger, and a rape threat to women. Throughout history women needed protections against this. Did you know that before there were public toilets for women (that they had to demand and create) women couldn't leave home without

/4 protection and/or calculating if the could do errands without having to pee. Males offend sexually and violently at much higher rates than women, and that's the reason we have female bathrooms and change rooms.
When men face bathroom incursions from women claiming to be men,

/5 it may be an invasion of men's privacy, but it does not pose a safety risk. Women who colonize men's spaces are not a physical or sexual threat and they don't do this to women or children.

/6. Sports. Women were denied their own sports and had to demand them and make them for our physiology. IF/when women colonize men's sports, it's not a safety risk, and it's rarely any kind of competitive risk. It's dangerous for for women.

/7 Some men complain that "men's spaces" were eliminated by feminists in the 80s. But women demanded access to business spaces. They didn't eliminate male bathrooms and they didn't crash your prostate cancer support group. Females need single sex spaces for nudity, healthcare,

/8 but not for employment. That's the difference.
Advocacy: many people don't know that women were neglected in medicine. We were 50+% of the population and we didn't have doctors who knew or about our needs. Feminism was created to advocate for us in matters like that. When men

/9 take over women's orgs, we no longer have advocacy for female issues. When men takeover women's organizations we lose our political autonomy to advocate for these matters. Males don't lose advocacy orgs when women colonize them, because males needs were met-they didn't have to

/10 specific orgs to fight for male medical care, male rights to vote, etc.
This brings us to an important point. women who claim to be men and non-women don't pose a threat to men, but they DO do harm to women by asserting that diverse women are non-women.

/11 To summarize, the trans lie hurts all of us. Diverse men and women are members of their sex class, not cross sex identities.
But the reason why we must complain more about the men doing it is because it has safety implications, etc.

/12 When men rape women in women's prisons, the women can get pregnant.
If women were in men's prisons, they couldn't rape them. And it they could, there wouldn't be a pregnancy risk.
These are the reasons why women need our own words, sports, spaces and activism.
Men need some

13/ single sex spaces, their own support groups, and medical care. They deserve the right to pick the sex of a nurse doing personal care -most don't seem to object to female nurses, females are not a threat, but they might.

14/ 3am here when I wrote this thread. I wandered a bit, sorry. Feel free to add reasons why it matters. Not to tell men that male colonization is harmless, but to clarify why the focus and concern is largely males colonizing women and not the other way around.

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