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Dec 19, 2022, 7 tweets

Top 5 Keywords every UI/UX designer should know.

A thread 🧵

Landing Page

This page is specifically designed to get traffic from different sources while performing a specific goal

UI Style Guide

This is a document that comprises of the summary of styles and components used across the interface.

Dynamic Island

This is a pill-shaped area on the phone which includes the camera hardware and serves as shape-changing hub.

- Primary Colour

It is mostly referred to as the brand identity of the product and is used for most important components eg CTA button.

UI Overlay

This provides additional information. It is usually displayed as an additional layer on top of current interface.

Here are top 5 keywords every UI/UX designer should know.

#Chey9ja #Tech #UIUX #Design #ProductDesign #Ul

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