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स्वस्तिप्रजाभ्यः परिपालयंतां न्यायेन मार्गेण महीं महीशाः । गोब्राह्मणेभ्यः शुभमस्तु नित्यं लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनोभवंतु ॥ ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः |

Dec 19, 2022, 24 tweets

A short description about #Saree for all young females.


Millions of people subscribe to and practise science, which is the foundation of Indian culture rather than superstition.

Girls, learn about and appreciate our rich culture.

Panini introduced the word Kauseya, it can be assumed that silk was employed in Indian society in the 5th CE B.C. The Ramayana also mentions silken (Kauseya) clothing. Two other varieties of silken clothing, Kotaja and Pattaja, are referenced in the Mahabharata's Sabhaparva.

Kauseya is the name of the silk produced from the cocoon of a silkworm that lived off the mulberry tree's leaves.

Unstitched clothing that is worn around the waist with one end draped over the shoulder, the word "Sari" is derived from the Sanskrit word "Satika," which later became the word "Sati," which means "strip of cloth."

The three-piece costume, referred to as "poshak" in general, is modified to become "Satika." It consists of the Stanapatta, a chest band, the Uttariya, a veil worn over the shoulder, and the Antariya, the lower garment.

The Stanapatta, which made up the majority of the garment, were adorned, coloured, and embroidered in accordance with the social standing of the women in each society.

The way we dress has a significant impact on our minds, bodies, souls, and society as a whole. We should investigate the topic more thoroughly. The usual explanation for why humans needed clothing is to keep our dignity and to cover up our bodies.

But there is still something missing, and there is a deeper explanation for it. Both positive and negative energy can be found in the earth's atmosphere. We are all well aware of the necessity to shield our body from harmful energies.

Our body is shielded from these harmful forces by the clothing. Second, we must conceal our bodies to avoid the unflattering glances of others. There are a lot of negative energy in this kind of look.

A constant stream of low-level energies enters our body when someone looks at us with lust or in any other bad way. Our vibrations, feelings, and spiritual emotions are all influenced by the clothes we wear.

A person who wears mostly "Tama" clothing is extrovert and impulsive. The wearer becomes agitated and restless when wearing predominantly "Raja" clothing. When wearing clothing that is predominantly "Sattava," a person finds mental stability and peace.

The best aspect is that a sari can be worn in a variety of ways, giving you a traditional appearance while also making you appear lovely and beautiful. Upper body coverage is provided by the "Pallu" portion. This protects the females from the unwanted unpleasant comments.

Synthetics are significant energy drains and are quite bad for general health. Recognize that wearing any training gear comprised of lycra or synthetic fibres can be quite harmful to your health.
A fabric with many stitches confuses energy and is unhealthy.

Some people say that because Sari leaves the middle of the body exposed, the skin is exposed. There is also a significant reason behind that. The "Brahmasthan" of the body is the portion of the stomach that is left exposed.

This location provides a significant amount of life force energy to the body. This should always be left open. The central portion of the home, known as the "Brahmasthan," is left open to the sky according to vaastu science.

Because the Hindu thesis of creation holds that Bhagwan Brahma, the creator, was born when the cycle began from a lotus blossom that emerged from Bhagwan Vishnu's navel, the midriff is left bare because it is thought to be the source of life and creativity.

Energy and consciousness are the two types of elements that make up all human beings. The first is believed to be female in nature, whereas the second is male. A guy has more male elements than a woman, and vice versa.

The healthy energy circulates in circles just like it does in our body, the Earth, and the rest of the universe. Because of this, a woman's physique is more rounded. Our body's energy should continue to circulate in a circular pattern to stay healthy.

Any energy that is sent toward our body first contacts our clothing before entering the body's energy systems and interior organs. Sari is wrapped around the body in a circular motion. It continues to circle almost to the very end.

It follows that when an energy meets the sari, it moves in circles around the body, assisting the energy's proper motion and making the saree a successful piece of clothing. It promotes the wellbeing of our body, mind, and spirit.

Another benefit is that as energy moves through 5–6 yards of cloth, any harmful energies that enter become trapped there and can be removed by washing the cloth. These weighty energies are sluggish and unable to move very far. It moves through the atmosphere with the air.

Women are particularly concerned of how their clothing complements or fits their bodies. The saree is, in fact, the ideal garment for this use.
The way a saree is draped can be modified to fit the wearer's body. skinny and tall? Wrap it tightly in a lengthy, unpleated "pallu."

Indian women proudly wear sarees to show their pride in Dharma.

I kindly want all the ladies to contribute more insightful comments and spread knowledge of our culture and dharma.

We can learn more about sarees from @ShainaNC


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