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German Royal Freelance Writer 👑 🖊 I @taylorswift13 fan 🎶 I Formula 1 🏎️ I #Patriots #Seahawks I Media Inquiries & Questions: DM 📧I

Dec 20, 2022, 38 tweets

Året med kungafamiljen 2022


#Kungahuset #Thread

On Feb 19th the Crown Prince Couple released a statement to speak against the rumours of divorce.

“It went for 14 days. We came to a point where we noticed that these false rumours, mainly on social media, don’t stop. We chose to issue a public statement to protect the family.”

📍 Victoria Lock Stockholm // March 8

“We received a fantastic display of the work going on here. It’s not a small project.”

“It’s a historical place. It will be part of our lives. It was nice to have them with us. They are very interested and asked questions.”


“Has this ever driven up and down?”

“Yes, they have test driven it.”

“What were the highlights for the children?”

“They had an interest all the way through. They have seen the Guldbron on various occasions with (pre-) school, to see it so close was fascinating.”


📍 Meeting “Child Protection can’t wait.” // March 25

“It’s frustrating not being able to help more. But we can help with a small donation to organisations that support the people.”

“Wherever there are vulnerable, scared or lonely children, there is also violence.”


On April 22nd HRH #CrownPrincessVictoria visited the 2nd of Swedens Nationalparks, Garphyttan.

“The Nationalpark is for everyone. So today I brought my friend Rio with me. My initiative is to promote Swedens 30 Nationalparks, their history environment and nature.”


“The value of getting out into nature, what it does for body and soul. Feeling better mental and physical. We in the north need to recharge our batteries to last the whole year.”


📍Visit to Beredskapsylftet’s Ukrainian children activity centre // April 25th


📍Visit from TRH Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette Marit


📍State visit from 🇫🇮 // May 17th & 18th


📍 #PrincessEstelle visited her duchy of Östergötland on May 25th.

“It’s important to show my children that what we do affects a lot. I hope for an interest to learn more, to see the small things too. You can’t remove an organism without it having an effect.”


“I saw some 🐛. They were a little scary, but cute.”

“With my children I learn a lot, because they ask questions. You should go off the path, into the 🌳 or to the 🏝️. The world is full of interesting things. We have to show this to them, so they become interested.”


⛪️ service for 🇺🇦 refugees // June 5th

“I and the entire Royal Family would like to warmly welcome you to the castle church. You are with us in our hearts.”

- #PrincessSofia


📍#PrincessMadeleine, Chris O’Neill and Prince Nicolas visited Ångermanland on June 21st.

“We are looking forward to a lovely summer in Sweden. After Covid you can’t take things for granted anymore. You appreciate every day when you haven’t been able to go home.”


“We finally visited the discovery park and I can really recommend to bring you children here. I learned a lot.”

“I celebrated my 40th with friends, it was great. 40 feels quite wonderful. I appreciate life and feel gratitude.”

“Now the summer vacation begins.”


📍#PrincessMadeleine in Frankfurt // July 7th

“A 🧒🏼, who has been sexually abused, doesn’t have to tell the story over & over again. Someone who is trained asks questions in a 🧒🏼friendly way. They only need to tell it once to avoid trauma. Everything is under one 🏠.”


“Mom has put so much heart and love into this and has been working so hard for this issues. She says, it’s my 4th child. We grew up with Childhood. She engaged with us very early on. So it came very natural that I also want to do more now.”


📍Victoriadagen July 14th


Still not over this 🕺🏼


Or this 🎉


HRH #PrincessSofia attending the Funkisfestivalen on August 29th.


“Can I give you a Good Luck hug?”
“Can I start with you Niklas? Hugs and good luck.”

@Funkisfestival is for people with intellectual & neuropsychiatric impairments, they get a platform to show their talents. I want to highlight this important initiative.”


“Do you always wear 👗 & skirts or do wear casual clothing as well?”

“I wear casual clothes sometimes, pants and top. But I like wearing 👗 & skirts.”


“It’s important to stand behind the right to be who you are. If we accept differences, we will feel better.”


📍Visit to Osmund wreck 🚢 // September 2nd

“The ship is from the 1540s, it’s incredible to have the opportunity to see it today. The Baltic Sea makes shipwrecks surprisingly well preserved.”

“Do you see something with this one?” 🥽


“The 🤿 wears a 🎥 and💡, we can communicate in real time. In the future we might be able to offer this to students or pupils, to experience diving, spread the knowledge.”

“Incredibly clear to see.”

“We can tell the wrecks story, what we lost. We learn about that era.”


📍 Pep dag 2022 // Hagaparken September 18th

“Pep day will be held in 30 places around Sweden. We as parents and society have a responsibility. We should come together to give people the opportunity for a physically active life. Our body’s are made to move.”


“My name is Jan Lindman, Överintendent. I am responsible for the finances of the Royal Court, the Royal Family and the Royal Foundations. In our annual report we show what 💰 the Kingcouple, the Crown Princess Couple and the Prince Couple receive for their role.”


“The King couple receives 770.000€, the Crown Princess Couple 430.000€ and the Prince Couple 100.000€. Princess Madeleine isn’t an active part of the Royal Family and lives in the US. If she takes part in an engagement, she will be reimbursed for her expenses.”


“The Royal Family has a big private fortune. Why do they need💰?”

“The head of state must be independent of other funding sources, he and his family are financed by state. They can’t be sponsored by a company. The wealth of the Royal Family comes from private sources.”


📍 Dutch State Visit to Sweden // October 11th - 13th


“I want my goddaughter here.”


📍Sveriges Radio // October 20th

#PrincessSofia reading “Viktors nya tröja. Viktor is going to buy a new shirt, a pink one with a cat on the stomach. An obvious choice for Viktor, but maybe not for his dad?


“I think it shows how we adults sound our fears. When you perhaps should support your 🧒🏼 there is a conflict with yourself.”

“It’s extremely important to read. But to be able to listen and take in the world that fairytales provide through 👂🏻 is also a great supplement.”


📍🇰🇪 // November 21st - 25th


“It has been a lot of fun, hugely educational. The program showed us what the UN and UNDP does, with very clear examples of what we hope others can take advantage of.”


“What set this trip apart from previous years in 🇰🇪, is the feeling that there is a lot going on, with tremendous power, potential and will. We are in a poor part of the country. Today we inaugurated a new girls boarding school, I had the privilege of seeing the journey.”


“I brought with me a small gift from Sweden and a very special greeting from my son, Prince Oscar.” 🥅


📍 Nobeldagen // December 10th




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