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Dec 20, 2022, 12 tweets

Ocean Protocol and will drive a revolutionary change in the automotive industry. Here is why:

$ocean $fet #OceanProtocol #fet #fetchai @oceanprotocol @Fetch_ai #ocean #ArtificialIntelligence

1⃣ Catena-X
Both projects have joined the open data ecosystem "Catena-X" to bring their vast experience in the markets, mechanisms, tokens designs and incentivization systems. They will be working together to further pioneer decentralized technologies for businesses.

2⃣What is Catena-X?
CATENA-X is a collaborative, open-source data ecosystem connecting global players into end-to-end value chains in the automotive industry.

It is revolutionizing the automotive industry, connecting global players in a secure and independent environment that facilitates unprecedented collaboration between all involved parties.

3⃣Which Companies are involved in Catena-X?
Companies participating in Catena-X are collaborating to develop a secure, open network for cross-company data and information exchange across the entire automotive value chain.

With cloud technology at its core, this system aims to unify the European vehicle industry by transforming how companies share information with their partners, users and suppliers. Some of the companies involved are Daimler, BASF, BMW, Bosch, SAP, Siemens and many more.

4⃣Catena X Architecture
Combining secure sovereignty with cross-organizational collaboration, the Eclipse Data Space Connector (EDC) is at the heart of Catena-X architecture.

The EDC guarantees full control to those sharing data - they can specify who participates in exchanges, along with rules on how and when information is shared.

5⃣Catena-X Portal
The network's Catena-X Portal acts as the gatekeeper to a massive data ecosystem existing in the automotive industry, opening up possibilities for many innovative collaborations.

Here, participants explore opportunities for efficient collaboration and build a space of trust through sovereignty and standardization measures.

6⃣ Conclusion
The automotive industry is about to change dramatically. With new technologies like #Blockchain , #AI , and #bigdata being developed, it's only a matter of time before we see even more changes taking place. $OCEAN and $FET will play a big role in this change🔥🚀.

That's a wrap!

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