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Dec 21, 2022, 10 tweets

Elon Musk, who claims he does no advertising for Tesla, is on Twitter Spaces talking about *impression* advertising & getting schooled by a host.

He's still excited to talk about the stars in the upper right corner. We all know it changes the tweets.

He's insufferable.

Musk does not understand Twitter microtargeting ads & Musk demanded the speaker be turned off when schooled.

Musk explains ROI to users. Seriously, he's a moron.

Musk wants to talk AT people pretending he understands advertising, he does not.

Why isn't anyone asking Musk WHY he's qualified to speak on Twitter Advertising when he doesn't do $TSLA advertising?

Answer: Musk is not qualified.

#TwitterSpaces #ElonMusk #Advertising

Elon Musk is very annoyed at George Holtz who is spitting facts.

Musk very upset a speaker keeps breaking up on the platform Musk paid $44 million for.

#TwitterFiles #Advertising

80% of your workforce left & Musk is laughing in a very annoyed way.

"Some much custom stuff, it takes at least a few weeks," Elon Musk said of new engineers coming on board.

Musk, who is not an engineer, fired 80% of the Twitter within his first 24 hours of owning Twitter.

What? Videos on Twitter show how many people view it? Revolutionary Elon Musk.

Musk wants to hide who *likes* a tweet. Transparency is *king*.

George Hotz says Twitter has 3 API's and it needs cleaned up and Musk says, "yeah," like he knows what it means.

Musk says he's made *acquisition history* and is still patting himself on his back for gutting employees.

Musk is DESPERATE for a subscriber base.

Musk delusionally believes Twitter Verified will replace Twitter advertisers for revenue.

Musk also states *features* like showing who is affiliated with what organization.

Musk asked what's the *runway* and there's *crickets*. Worse than getting booed, fanbois lost respect.

Musk is so disturbed by the *runway* question.

Musk has spoken to a number of advertisers, "show us an ROI that makes sense."
@realGeorgeHotz ask @Elonmusk does banning Elonjet and journalists makes "sense" to advertisers.

#TwitterSpaces #Advertising #Runway

Twitter CEO Elon Musk said on last night's #TwitterSpaces he wants to remove the ability to see other people's *likes*.

Makes sense since Musk is anything but transparent.

And fraudsters love exploiting their kids to deflect from their own negative truthful information.

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