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May 2nd 2023
1. A/B testing can significantly improve your copywriting results. By testing different variations of your copy, you can determine what works best for your audience and optimize your content accordingly. #copywriting #ABtesting
2. A/B testing allows you to make data-driven decisions about your copy. Instead of relying on guesswork, you can use actual user data to determine which copy resonates with your audience and drives more conversions. #data #copywriting
Read 21 tweets
Apr 20th 2023
🚀1/7 🤖 Say goodbye to hundreds of "AI Ad Generator" tools! #Google is developing an AI that will create sophisticated ad campaigns tailored to your needs. If you're in #marketing, you need to know about this game-changing technology.👇 #Advertising #AIAds
2/4 The AI MIGHT be a one-stop solution for all your ad campaign needs. Just supply an image, video, or text, and let the AI handle the rest. Designed to reach specific audiences & sales targets, this is truly the future of #advertising. 🎬📸✍️
3/4 Imagine the possibilities! Small businesses can now compete with big players, thanks to this revolutionary technology. From personalized ads to better targeting, the future of advertising is here. 😍⬇️
Read 4 tweets
Mar 23rd 2023
Random opinions about #digitalanalytics

😈 It isn't easy to show positive ROI on investments in digital analytics. Why? Because companies invest too much in data collection and need more analysis and activation.
😈 Marketers mistakenly believe that digital analytics is just another name for #GoogleAnalytics. No, digital analytics means the process of analysing data from digital platforms.
😈 Digital #analytics specialists need to spend more time with qualitative data (voice of customer, #voc). Leaving the metrics to analysts and texts to marketers is a mistake.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 19th 2023
Revamp your Facebook ads strategy today! 🔃

Avoid these 10 common mistakes to boost 🚀your ROI and leave your competition in the dust:

Mini thread 👇

#DigitalMarketing #Advertising #socialmediamarketing
1. Don't segregate your account structure

2. Always have a hypothesis behind your ad tests 🧠

3. Invest in strong whitelisting efforts

4. Test your landing pages

5. Don't let underperforming ads linger for too long
6. Test a diverse range of ads every week

7. Utilize post-purchase data to test new ad angles

8. Always A/B test your headlines and thumbnails

9. Test out both broad and interest-based targeting

10. Don't forget about the post-purchase journey to increase retention rate.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
Is ad spend funding an increase in Trans+ hate crime?

Endless anti-trans reporting is driving clicks and ruining lives, and advertisers need to act.

As Joint CEO of LGBTQIA+ advocacy group @Outvertising, let me explain how this works.

A thread 🧵1/ Flowers and tributes to Brianna Ghey laid in Soho Square dur
Brianna Ghey, a 16-year-old trans girl, was stabbed to death in a park in Warrington on February 11th. During the hearing on the following Wednesday, the prosecutor told the court that Brianna's death was "extremely brutal and punishing". 2/
Two teenagers, a boy and girl both aged 15, have now been charged with her murder and will stand trial in July. The police said they were investigating the possibility that it was an anti-trans hate crime. 3/
Read 47 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
Effective and memorable advertising campaigns that connect with audience are communicated with art. Check the below thread about using art in advertising.
#Advertising #Art
Art can help advertisers convey their message in a clear and concise way. By using visual elements such as line, shape, form, texture, color, value, and space, they can create images that catch attention and communicate meaning.
#Advertising #Art
Art can also help advertisers appeal to their target market’s emotions and preferences. By using different styles and genres of art, such as realism, surrealism, pop art, or abstract art, they can create a mood and a tone that resonate with their potential customers.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 1st 2023
If you aren't sure about the difference between creative direction and art direction, here you are
#Advertising #Art #Artdirection #Creativedirection #CreativeIndustry
Creative direction is the process of overseeing and guiding the overall vision and strategy of a creative project. It involves coming up with original and innovative ideas that align with the client’s goals and objectives.
#Advertising #Artdirection #Creativedirection
Art direction is the process of executing and refining the visual aspects of a creative project. It involves creating a cohesive and appealing aesthetic that communicates the message and evokes a reaction from the audience.
#Advertising #Artdirection #Creativedirection
Read 7 tweets
Feb 27th 2023
Soft Drinks and Their Brand Ambassadors

Just creating a quick #Thread from memory

Feel free to add

Aamir Khan has endorsed both Pepsi & Coke

#FMCGisLife #Pepsi #CocaCola #Advertising

Aishwarya Rai too has endorsed both!

Was a model in the Pepsi Ad with Aamir Khan named Sanjana (a phenomenon that increased the number of girls named Sanjana in India)…

Also endorsed Coke with Aamir, later

Salman Khan

Can never forget the Pepsi vs Thums Up Ads of our childhood.

Taste tests and Thums Up's positioning as the Man's drink vs Boys.

Turns out, the boy eventually turned to Pepsi when he became a man.

Read 8 tweets
Feb 2nd 2023
📦 #Amazon releases results after markets close today

☎️ A conference call is scheduled at 1430 PT (1730 ET)

Here is a 🧵 on what to expect from the #earnings...
🐌 Virtually all of Amazon's businesses are suffering a slowdown, from ecommerce to cloud computing

This is set to see it deliver its slowest sales growth on record for any Q4 - an important quarter covering the busy holiday shopping season. Image
#Ecommerce sales are falling as the explosion in demand seen during the pandemic continues to unwind.

However, they remain considerably higher than back in 2019 Image
Read 10 tweets
Jan 31st 2023
📸 #Snap releases Q4 #earnings after US markets close today.

A conference call is scheduled at 1430 PT (1730 ET).

Here is a 🧵 on what to expect...
🐦 #Snap was the canary in the coal mine last earnings season, when growth stalled to its slowest pace on record.

👁️ That was followed by disappointing results from fellow #advertising stocks like #Meta and #Alphabet - with both #stocks due to report later this week.
🐌 The slowdown will continue this quarter, with revenue set to grow just 0.5% - marking the slowest pace since Snap went public back in 2017. Image
Read 9 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
so! let's talk about the #cryptocurrency phenomenon again. $BITC / @Bitcoin, $ETH / @ethereum, $USDT / @Tether_to, $BNB / @binance — there are a LOT of these #cryptocurrencies out there, maybe even millions of them. and that's a first clue about them and about #capitalism.

(1/x) Image
it's gospel #capitalism that the activities of "the #markets"—capitalist propaganda i.e. #business and #finance and #investment #journalism, not to mention all the #science and #technology journalism that's chiefly #advertising for corporations—are supernaturally powerful.

the central lie is that "the markets" (i.e. the sum total of all monetary transactions by all money-seeking entities in #capitalism) are the best possible mechanism for fulfilling every conceivable human need.

if it's not "on the market", then you don't really need it.

Read 24 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
let's try again. I wanted to write more *specifically* about Mr. @elonmusk—speculating about why he's the catastrophic person he is, based on what's popularly known about him. everything I'm going to mention is something reported in the popular press (not by @mtaibbi.)

we know that Mr. Musk had an abusive father, whom @elonmusk has had little good to say about. the man was typical colonialist trash—a South African grifter and speculator who *got lucky*, making a lot of money quickly with a partial share in an apartheid-era emerald mine.

Mr. Musk (and certainly his #ElonMusk fan club) has tried as hard as possible to suppress any chatter about the emerald mine; Mr. @elonmusk himself, a prolific and habitual liar, has even tried to pretend that the press made it up. but it's too broadly reported to deny.

Read 44 tweets
Jan 28th 2023
Chara, at @KrisAtLarge, has been talking about @mtaibbi's #marketing and #branding; I'd like to talk about a *specific* aspect of Western society's obsession with "personal brands".

it's simply this: in marketing, _censorship is the norm_.

censorship is *expected*.

it's fully expected; #capitalism depends upon #marketing to censor the truth.

they've normalized the practice: corporations (and @elonmusk and @mtaibbi) never tell the truth about themselves, nor do they feel the slightest need for it—they need to maintain the *brand*.

the trivial nature of #marketing culture dictates that people like @elonmusk and @mtaibbi (and @pmarca and @ID_AA_Carmack and literally everyone else who has *marinated* in this culture) think of their own crimes and sins as trivial. "bad publicity", at worst.

Read 14 tweets
Jan 26th 2023
Un pullback del mercato di martedì si è trasformato in un ritorno di mercoledì quando il bitcoin è salito oltre i $ 23.700 prima di ritirarsi leggermente. Eth sale sopra i $1.618. Altre criptovalute come #APT,registrano guadagni del 48% nelle ultime 24 ore,

Bitcoin ed Ether sono rimbalzati nel trading di giovedì mattina in Asia dopo la correzione di ieri tra indicatori economici misti e earnings deboli di Microsoft che avevano fatto scendere i prezzi.
Solana, Polygon e Cardano hanno guidato i guadagni tra i primi 10 per capitalizzazione di mercato. Le azioni statunitensi sono state contrastanti durante la notte.
Read 23 tweets
Jan 19th 2023
let us follow up on this.

I don't know if it's possible easily to demonstrate that #capitalism requires trauma (although I am sure that it does) but it is certain, at least, that #marketing requires trauma.

"psychological #advertising" works on buried trauma.

American right-wing chat, dominated by "manly" persons of the @MattWalshBlog / @benshapiro / @JackPosobiec sort, pretends that only cops and soldiers suffer trauma—as if (say) child abuse victims, or marginalized persons enduring routine bıgotry, aren't also traumatized.

in reality, trauma is everywhere. Western society is harsh and cruel— "competitive", Mr. @dick_nixon and other defenders of #capitalism might say. life is hard, suck it up, etc.

we've had decades and *centuries* of indoctrination in the purported virtues of _austerity_.

Read 16 tweets
Jan 19th 2023
I've been cogitating a strange notion lately—an intuition, one that's a bit tricky to explain.

permit me to state my assumptions: I believe that it's possible to assign the general label of "Christian God" to something *concrete*, and which is in fact quite small.

this is where I've always differed from the atheists: I've always felt that "God" wasn't a nonexistent entity, but rather an entity that was something different, something smaller and more limited, than what #Christian doctrine (and Western culture) claims about their God.

Dr. @RichardDawkins supplied a hint: it's possible that "God" is memetic in nature.

Dawkins hasn't (to my knowledge) ever analyzed the matter further—maybe because it threatened the rigidity of his #atheism to admit that God had *some* sort of existence, even a weak one.

Read 19 tweets
Jan 16th 2023
Purch It has several market opportunities that can be leveraged to drive growth and success:

(video too big for twitter so here's the link)
#Ecommerce: The e-commerce market is rapidly growing, with more and more consumers turning to online shopping. Purch It can tap into this trend by providing a convenient and easy-to-use platform for users to discover and purchase products they see on TV shows and movies.
#affiliatemarketing : Purch It can generate revenue through affiliate marketing by partnering with retailers and brands. When a user purchases a product through Purch It, the company earns a commission.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 16th 2023
1/ Alkimi Exchange is a decentralised advertising exchange that utilises blockchain technology for secure ad transactions.
2/ It utilises a distributed node network, which reduces costs and makes transactions faster, fewer emissions and more reliable.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 6th 2023
Why are Meta & Google moving away from digital attribution as a way of measuring marketing effectiveness?
Data issues are part of the story, but it’s bigger than that. This Google report gives some insight into their thinking. 1/9…
The big problem is that digital attribution models struggle to measure “incrementality”. If 1m people see your ad, and 1k buy your product, how many sales are genuinely incremental? The answer might be anywhere between 0 and 1k. Attribution models on their own can’t tell. 2/9
As Google pointed out over 5 years ago, controlled experiments and rigorous econometrics are much better for measuring incrementality. And those techniques reveal that digital attribution models are often WILDLY inaccurate. 3/9
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Jan 5th 2023
Have you heard about the recent EU ruling about Meta that could have major implications for the advertising industry?

Take a look at our thread below to learn more 👇

#advertising #meta #facebook
The EU has ruled that Mark Zuckerberg's Meta broke EU data laws.

This is because of the legal justification they had claiming they were able to use people's personal data to target invasive ads.
Meta claimed that users entered into a 'contract' when signing up allowing them to use their data as they pleased, but the EU disagreed.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 21st 2022
Elon Musk, who claims he does no advertising for Tesla, is on Twitter Spaces talking about *impression* advertising & getting schooled by a host.

He's still excited to talk about the stars in the upper right corner. We all know it changes the tweets.

He's insufferable.
Musk does not understand Twitter microtargeting ads & Musk demanded the speaker be turned off when schooled.

Musk explains ROI to users. Seriously, he's a moron.

Musk wants to talk AT people pretending he understands advertising, he does not.
Why isn't anyone asking Musk WHY he's qualified to speak on Twitter Advertising when he doesn't do $TSLA advertising?

Answer: Musk is not qualified.

#TwitterSpaces #ElonMusk #Advertising
Read 10 tweets
Dec 12th 2022
New research from Meta highlights the importance of long term advertising effects. Econometric analysis of over 3,500 campaigns reveals that 60% of the payback comes from long term effects, and only 40% from the short term.

This means that short term measurement measurement systems (which include most digital attribution models) probably underestimate ROI by a factor of ~2.5.
Short term measurement approaches tend to favour direct response channels, but this study shows that brand-building channels actually generate more sales in the long term.
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Dec 12th 2022
two best-selling books, both decades old, warned us what #marketing would do to #politics. (I'm sure that many others books did the same—maybe better—but these are the two we know.)

the first was Vance Packard's "The Hidden Persuaders" from 1957.…

Packard's text is a popular treatise on "psychological advertising"—inducing people to buy products for *irrational* reasons, by appealing to their buried fears and traumas.

Packard writes about many aspects of this new #marketing method of exploiting human weaknesses.

the insidious thing about the "psychological" method of #marketing is that the advertising method, i.e. manipulation of human fears, is completely dissociated from the product itself. one may use fears and traumas to sell *literally anything*, even @bariweiss or @elonmusk.

Read 22 tweets
Oct 20th 2022
Les 100 meilleurs #livres marketing de tous les temps. 📚

De la psychologie, copywriting, business, influence, story-telling, finances, au growth hacking, voici les livres à lire absolument pour toute personne intéressée à devenir meilleure en marketing. 🚀

📚100. Influence : Science & Practice est une examination de la psychologie de la conformité (c'est-à-dire la découverte des facteurs qui poussent une personne à dire "oui" à la demande d'une autre personne).

#influence #psychology #marketing Image
📚99. Le best-seller du New York Times qui explique pourquoi certains produits et idées deviennent populaires.

#marketing #contentmarketing #newyorktimes #book #livre Image
Read 105 tweets

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